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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak was rushed to the hospital immediately after the Prince got arrested and is put behind the bars. She still wasn't conscious while Shaddad has lost his mind taking everyone by surprise seeing him lose his I don't care façade. That is a huge deal to them but they didn't dare to let that stop them from taking her to the hospital seeing as the baby she is carrying has it's life in danger. Falak will never forgive them if anything happens to her baby.

Shaddad couldn't think straight and only sat down on the waiting chair willing his mind to not bring up any negative thought while the royals surround the whole hospital making sure it is locked and no outsider is allowed inside.

They badly want to think about what one of them did but also feel guilty knowing Falak is in there fighting for her life, he has no right to get place in their hearts at that moment. They just can't get over the betrayal that is surging in their bones making their hearts cold. All they want is revenge and if anything happens to Falak, they will make sure he never lives to see another day again. They will forget that he is their brother and make him pay for his sins.

Their hearts are tightened while they have their feet rooted on the hospital tiled floor, not wanting to cause a scene by running out of the hospital to go and disfigure the Prince's face along with his life. Who would've thought he is so narrow minded and all those kindness were because he is in love with her? No, he is just obsessed over her beauty or something she's done to him in the past but that is not love.

Her royal Majesty Karima could only frown whilst staring at the door as though her daughter's life is hanging on it which to her, it is. How can he be so cruel to take away her pregnant daughter and torture her husband right in front of her eyes. If what he says is true about loving her then he wouldn't have done what he did. She saw the concern etched on his face when he got arrested and the fear in his eyes was very clear when he saw Falak's situation which makes her think whether he was forced to do what he did.

Even when he was brought outside, he confessed that he loves her more than Shaddad could ever do so that is confirmed. But why didn't he come forth and sort things out like an adult instead of stooping so low like he was a normal man. The Princes' don't act like that and that is not even part of the etiquette lessons they are forced to attend when they were younger. It teaches them how to act matured and not childish like what he just did.

Amongst all the Princes, she knew half of them love her daughter and not even in that brotherly love. They just back out seeing she is already blinded with Shaddad's love. She could see the way they look at her daughter every time she is around them. And the first day they saw her however they acted so cold and detached, she knew her daughter has gotten a large portion of space in their hearts. They all adored her at that instant.

Her Royal Majesty knew she has nothing to worry about when it comes to Falak's safety. The Royals love and care with their life and she could see the protectiveness in their stance so what more could she ask for? Even when Shaddad was acting cold, she could see him doing things he's never done to her daughter. He even told her she was late to school on her first days in the palace which was an improvement from his side.

The connection he tried so hard to not take to heart is now catching up to him. He looks dishevelled and untidy. Not at all the brooding Prince that walks down the corridor of the palace taking away all the attention in the room, the guards peeing their pants while the maids ogle. He looks tired and the fear watched across his face is enough to tell anyone he would do anything to be in Falak's place. If not that he doesn't talk, he would have been blabbing by then.

He is bruised and beaten to pup but still manage to stay there for his wife. He is supposed to get himself treated and she won't open her mouth knowing Shaddad is the most determined person to grace the world. If he doesn't want to do something, there is no one on earth that could make him do that. He has been like that since he was young which made her surprised when he agreed to marry Falak. He would've downright deny wanting her and do something to stop the marriage but he didn't.

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