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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak orchestrated the tangerine living room in their home as soon as she woke up from a tranquil sleep. She adjust the ring lights in front of the couch then settled her not really much touched canon camera. She isn't even ready in good clothes but she was so eager to have the things set up so she would feel more motivated after seeing it sitting impetuously in her living room. She can't go the day without doing it.

She grinned and left for their room, seeing Shaddad sitting on the desk in their room. She didn't talk to him and went to change her clothes in the closet. Since the video is only theirs, there is no need trying to close her body. She didn't even tell him what they are about to do and she won't till she gets dressed, she needs to look good so they won't mock her when they grow up. The thought made her smile more vehement about the whole plan.

Settling on jam coloured shirt with middy neckline and angel sleeved, she wrestled in it and moved to her pants. She removed a jade black yoga pants and put it on then close her hair with matching jade dove hijab and walked out of the closet. There is no need for makeup, shoes or accessories except for the tear drop diamond earrings she has on.

"We are going to shoot a video so we could show our children when they grow up. C'mon, stand up and let's go to the room. Please, don't argue, pretty please." She made her puppy dog eyes and he sighed before standing up.

Not that he has ever say no to her. Even if he has, he would've done that thing no matter what. Falak has her way of making everyone dance to her tunes and he is no better than them, maybe far lesser than them in every sense of the way. She could mold him and wear ornaments and highlight contours on him, he won't stop her.

Shaddad doesn't even understand what she means by shooting video for their children but what can he do? His wife is hellbent on making him go gaga in a few days. He is dressed in set of grey sweats and she didn't ask him to change so he didn't bother and let her lead the way where he saw their living room looking like a studio.

"We are going to face the camera and answer the questions I have here for us. You don't need to be afraid about the video going viral. It is only for our children and us." She explained with a cute smile before setting the camera and took her iMac in her hands then took ahold of his arm and loop it with hers.

She settles them on the orange couch and move the eggshell pillows and place it on both their thighs. She smiled at him and ask if he is ready which he nodded at, still worried about she is going to ask him to do since she is already talking about children. Is she pregnant?!

The thought startled his intestines but then again, they just consummated their marriage few days ago and with small kisses stolen, that is it. Then what is she talking about children scorching his chest in flames and like moth, he is slowly succumbing into the thought.

"Hello there my beautiful children. I know by the time you are going to see this, you are all grown up and beautiful like me and this Statue here. We are making this video for you guys so you can see the journey of our life while I'm making the efforts, your father looks like he is about to swallow poison. But worry not, we are going to drive him nuts." She winked at the camera while Shaddad release a ghost smile at her antics.

"The first question here says; What is the worst gift you ever received and from whom?" Falak asked the question with a grin on her lips and her iMac in the other hand.

"Me, it was a frog from Jabrayah when we were given an assignment in biology and she thought gifting me a frog is my welcome gift. I was so annoyed but since I was new, and only yell in fake enthusiasm. I hope she never sees this video or she would kill me for being ungrateful." She thought she muttered the last words but didn't remember how much she likes saying her mind and that brought a small smile on Shaddad's lips.

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