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Aishatu: *beams to the camera and started; "Hello everyone, so today with us is the Emir of Kano, his Royal Majesty Dr. Muhammad Sunusi Lamido with his wife her Royal Majesty Dr. Karima Abubakar and I'm thrilled to have this tea with them. There are other Royal brothers that weren't able to join us last time and also the ones from the last time, they apparently like my tea and came back for it. Dr. Shaddad is not here though, no surprise even to me the author."

Emir of Kano: *smiles in royalty and said: "Thanks for having us."

Aishatu: *holding back from swooning because even the King is one handsome fellow and she's thinking why she didn't marry him in the first place but smiled and said: "So this time around, I will let you guys ask me even though some did last time but this time, it is open for everyone but Falak, try subtly."

Falak: *rolls eyes and brought out phone looking uninterested: "Stop always talking about me or I'll think you swing for my side."

Aishatu: *rolls eyes at Falak before taking her journal to her hands and adjusted her glasses: "We have a few questions here from your fans and my readers, I hope you guys can answer them all. And can someone please call Shaddad here?" *rose head and fix eyes at the emir knowing he is the only one who could help*

Emir of Kano: *smiles at author and collect phone from the guard close to him: "I'll just give him a call."

Aishatu: "Okay everyone, we're going on a short break before Shaddad shows up and I really hope he does because there are few more questions for him. Stay tuned!"

Aishatu: "Hello, we're back from our short break and Dr. Shaddad Sunusi Lamido just graced us with his presence and we shall continue from this."

Shaddad: *rolls eyes and sat down on the three seated sofa all alone looking bored and grumpy: "This should better not take much of my time and don't annoy me or I walk out of this place."

Aishatu: *snap out of her drooling state when Shaddad walked in clasped in jade Armani waistcoat, snow white dress shirt jade slacks: You won't be bored and especially, not with my amazing tea." *author beamed*

Aishatu: *dramatically clears throat before reading the first question: So shaddad do you mind telling us how and when you grew suspicious of Bilal and when you hired a private investigator to help you out?"

Shaddad: *adjusts mouthpiece and said: "Not really suspicious but just wanted a background check to clear any problem in future. We have a Royal private investigator so I just asked him to do it."

Harith: "Woah, never knew you could pull something like that up, bro. Hats off!" *chuckles*

Aishatu: *laughed with the others while Shaddad let his lazy façade: "I didn't think so too even though I know everything but not this. So back to the next question, And Shaddad, we have been wanting to know why do you always have a stoic face and get angry easily or does it have to do with some thing from the past?"

Shaddad: "No, nothing happened to me from the past because my life was never hard so this is just who I am or should I say, how your dear writer decided to see me."

Falak: *face contorted to look of distaste and muttered underneath breath: "And make me suffer."

Aishatu: *brushed off what Falak said and decided to read out the next question: Your last question sir, why do you always say that getting married is a burden and you don't know what to say to your wife even if you do get married?" *smiled mentally due to her immense happiness for the question*

Shaddad: "Because I've never been with any woman and I don't know what to say to a woman, I just find them annoying."

Falak: *touched her chest feigning hurt: "We are annoying? Who do you think you are to think we are stupid?"

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