"ME.. MO.. RIES.." Part 13

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As the pillar walked back to his place, he suddenly notice that he's friend working on an udon store was not there, who should be there at a time like this.

"Uhmm.. Excuse me, sir..", he asked the man who's also working on the store. "Yes..?How can I help you, young man..?",the old man said.

"Do you know a guy's who's working here-Shun..?", he said worriedly."Ahh..yes..that cheerful guy..the boss ask him to get some coal..near the mountain..", the old man said then suddenly, the flame pillar sensed a dark presence from the mountain.

'A-a..demon..!',he said as he thanked the old man and walked away to find the source of the presence while still finding his friend.

He runs toward the path directly to the mountain. He suddenly heard a man screaming, not too far away from him.

He make himself ready and he starts to make a high jump. He spotted the big demon whose going to eat a person, he was shocked because that person was his friend, on the other side, he saw (Y/N) trying to attack the demon but she got caught by the demon's snake-like arms.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Ackk-*cough*cough",'I haven't encountered a strong, big, and a fast demon like this one..but I won't just give up..! After I've spent my whole life battling with demons, this is just nothing than a mere scratch!',(Y/N) said as she ready herself to attack the demon.

The demon was now facing the man, so (Y/N) took that chance to attack the demon. But she was not aware that, the arm snakes can sense her coming. She wasn't able to attack the demon thus, she was caught by the demon's arm snakes that can slice her anytime.

The demon was shocked on how strong the girl was and he immediately knew that it wasn't a human-it was a demon like him!

"HAHAHA!! A DEMON WHO WAS TRYING TO PROTECT A MERE HUMAN!? YOU MUST BE JOKING, YOUNG GIRL!!", the demon said while tightening his grip into her body.

"N-No..!(Y-Y/N)..!",the man said while shaking from the pain and crying from being not able to save his friend.

'I-is this the end..?,when I just started taking revenge for my father's death..Is this just what all I got...?'she said while still stopping the arm snake from crashing her body.

'I feel my body's being crashed slowly.. I feel dizzy..'


''My name's..Shun..Yumigame Shun"

"I'm sorry... Are you alright..?"

"I was just wondering..what you look like behind those black silk that's covering half of your face."

"You shouldn't hide your beautiful self, if I were you.."


'What is this..a man's voice..?it's kind of familiar though..why is he laughing..ohh..now he's smiling at me..but it's all blurry..I can't see that man's face at all..'

"I promised that..I will remember this place and I will talk to you here again!"

'Who..someone's talking again..'

"Here!..this is one of my favorite foods!-the Yumen noodles!"

'This voice..'

"Hey.. (Y/N).. are you alright..?"

'His voice..that was warm..and kind..
..his smile that shines brightly like the sun..

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself to you yet, how rude of me! My name's.. R_n_o_u K_o_juro! It was nice to meet you! (Y/N)!"

THE DEMON SLASHER (RENGOKU X READER) Where stories live. Discover now