"BLOOD" Part 13

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"Mother! Father!", Senjuro hugged his parents as he ran towards them while crying.

Kyoujuro finally rescued his brother from a former lower moon six but sadly, they took (Y/N) as exchange for his brother.

Kyoujuro walked passing by his parents and Senjuro, without looking at them.

"What happened to your brother? And where's that woman with him-?", Shinjuro said as he realized what must have been happened.

"T-they...took (Y/N)-san...", Senjuro stated as he leaned his crying face on her mother's chest.

"I see...",then Shinjuro walked inside their house heading to his son's room.

Rengoku's POV:

'I can't save her... I will be able to slash that lower moon demon, if Senjuro was just not on her control.', I said to myself as I clenched my fist, locking myself inside my room. "I'm so weak...why did I even became a hashira, when I won't able to save her?", then suddenly, someone knocked on my door.

"Hey! Get out there now or I will punch that gloomy face of yours!", my father said as I opened the door.

"You idiot...!", My father grabbed my collar as I looked at his angry face.

"I..I can't save her father... I'm sorry.",then all of the sudden, I received a slap on my face by my father's hand.

"Sorry!? Do you even think that, It will make her come back if you say your sorry!?", I widened my eyes as tears flow into my eyes.

"F-father...", my tears just continued on flowing from my eyes.

"If you love her, then do what all you got to save that woman! You're a man and your my son! So, don't bring a disgrace to our family by locking yourself without even doing anything!", My father let go of my collar and gave me a hug that made me widened my eyes.

"Father...can I really save her...?", I said as I hugged my father back.

"Of course, you're my son, a hashira, and a demon slayer that everyone looked up to! So don't let your hopes down and do everything to save her!" I widened my eyes and once again, I came back to my usual left.

"Thank you, Father! I will do my best!- No, I will do everything that I got to save her!", I said as my father and I, break out from the hug.

I rushed going outside and decided to go to the demon slayers headquarters to let my master know about what happened.

'Thank you, father! I will not forget what you told me! I'm going to save her! I know, I know I can do it! Just wait for me (Y/N) and I will save you!', I said as I continued to ran to the headquarters.


"HAHA! YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND! DEFEAT THE MASTER? YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!", the woman demon said as she laughed at (Y/N).

Then suddenly, the woman demon who was laughing found herself sliced into three pieces. A slice on her neck and on her stomach.

"A-ack-! W-why... Master...?",the woman demon said as she vanished into ashes.

"You're too noisy.", Muzan said as the chains on (Y/N)'s hands and feet vanished as well.

"Now...do you have any last words?", Muzan said as he looked at the lower moon one.

"Ahh.. Thank you for having me for the last. It's my honor to be killed by you, Master Muzan.", the demon said as he smiled happily.

"Hmm...thats what I wanted to hear.",Muzan said as he smiled and then, a big needle appeared out of nowhere and hitted the demon's head. The lower moon one collapsed in the floor while something strange happening to his body.

"Y-you! You're the most heartless creature that I've ever seen!", (Y/N) said angrily. "Those demons that you just killed, didn't they served you enough and you just killed them because you like to? You're much lower than a dirt!", (Y/N) said and then, she felt herself suddenly being grabbed on her neck by Muzan.

"You...I will be just gentle with you because you are the one that I've been waiting for. A demon who can withstand the sun! By using you, I will be able to wipe all the demon slayers!", Muzan said as he let go of
(Y/N)'s neck.

"cough!cough!",(Y/N) glared at Muzan angrily and then, Muzan bit his index finger as the blood started to drop from it.

"Here, drink this.",Muzan said as he approached his index finger to (Y/N) but she just looked away.

"Tsk...you're a stubborn one, aren't you?",Then all of the sudden, Muzan cupped (Y/N)'s cheeks as he forced her to open her mouth and he inserted his index finger inside her mouth.

(Y/N) drunk his blood and Muzan removed his finger on her mouth. Even it was just a little bit of blood, she can feel her body in so much pain.

" AGHHH!!", (Y/N) kneeled as she shouted in pain.

"Now, defeat that demon hashira. And if you ever killed a boy with a hanafuda earrings, I will give more blood to you.",Muzan said as he teleported on some room and vanished.

'W-what's happening...!? I can feel my body like it would turn into pieces!', then when (Y/N) can't still understand what's happening to her body, the lower moon one and her, fell in a unknown place, when the floor became a sliding door and teleported them in a place.


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