Kendall to the rescue

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Authors note: Kendall is pictured above for anyone who is curious also disclaimer not my art

Kendall fished her phone out of her pocket and texted Sheila.
"Stall Amelia, Eric says she's going to spill the beans." She hit send then removed her apron. A buzz in her pocket alerted her to Sheila's reply but she ignored it. She gave Eric a nod then left the store, operation "Save Eric's love life" was a go.
"He owes me big for this." She mumbled as she pulled out her keys. She looked at Sheila's text.
"She's headed that way, she'll stop at Foodmart." Kendall read the reply and started her car. She was now the interceptor as Sheila had a meeting to attend and was on her way there.

Amelia felt her anxiety skyrocket as she drove towards her mother's house. She gripped the wheel deadly tight. Eric surely didn't want to continue this, being in an actual relationship meant he was practically cheating on his real girlfriend. Amelia felt her stomach churn. How had she not known? He was the most amazing person in the world, smart, funny, kind and attractive to boot. She bit her lip and slowed down to make her turn. She saw the store Sheila had told her she needed to stop at to pick up some goodies. Evidently Sheila now saw it as her mission to cheer Amelia up by staying up until midnight watching chick flicks and eating ungodly amounts of sugar. Amelia felt a smile form on her face as she thought about how amazing her best friend was.

Kendall had made it to Foodmart in record time and looked around the aisles for her target. She strolled casually stopping to look at random things on end caps until she saw a flash of dark hair head down the next aisle. Target sighted, she thought. Kendall rounded the corner and pretended to scan the shelves. She got about a foot away then bumped into her prey.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" She blurted as though she hadn't seen Amelia standing there. Amelia glanced up and waved it off with a smile. Her eyes went wide with recognition.
"Kendall?, it's so good to see you, what are you doing here?" They embraced then pulled apart as Kendall replied.
"I'm here shopping for some stuff for the store, you know how Eric can be, he forgot to order more whipped cream on the last truck." At the mention of Eric's name Amelia shuffled her feet and avoided eye contact. Kendall rolled her eyes and decided she was stalling well enough.
"Okay that's enough." She stated as she pulled Amelia down the aisle and towards the edge of the store so they weren't in the way.
"You like him right?" Kendall asked the dark haired girl. Amelia looked up with a bright pink blush but nodded. Kendall smirked at her.
"Why exactly have you not told him this?" She asked next. Amelia bit her lip and tucked her loose hair behind her ear.
"He doesn't see me that way, besides he can do a lot better than me." Kendall raised an eyebrow, she'd never heard Amelia sound quite so insecure.
"Is it because of the long legged beauty that you very possibly saw him with a few days ago?"
Amelia's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. She nodded quickly then grabbed Kendall's hand and stepped closer to her.
"She's like a freaking model how am I competition for that?" She stated pouting a little. Kendall couldn't help herself she bust out laughing and shook her head at the idea.
"Amelia look, I can't actually tell you their relationship but she's not in anyway competition, okay." Amelia gave her a strange look and crossed her arms.
"Why can't you tell me their relationship?" Kendall bit her lip but pulled Amelia closer.
"Okay listen you need to abort mission and turn around, go talk to Eric he will tell you besides, I wouldn't be so sure that he sees you as just a friend." Kendall let that sink in then smirked when she saw the wheels start to turn.
"Not anymore anyway, hey he's staying to close today we might close early, come back around four, have a nice little chat just the two of you." She suggested. Amelia mulled it over and nodded.
"I still have to come up with an excuse as to why I bailed on my mother...again."

Amelia was now seated in front of her mother who was giving her a stern look.
"You can't be serious?" Ilene asked incredulously. Amelia nodded her head in shame. She had just finished telling her mother everything. Ilene was disappointed to say the least. Disappointed however that the relationship wasn't real.
"You have been in love with this boy for most of your adolescent life and half of your adult life." She scolded her only child.
"You're a twenty five year old woman, tell me you aren't still going to play this game while Amanda is here?" Amelia flinched at her mother's words but she shook her head. Regardless of how she or Eric felt it was time the whole charade was up.
"No mother, I'll tell Amanda and I am sorry for lying to you." Ilene stood and grabbed her daughter's hands.
"Darling you love this man why not try for the real thing this time hmm?"
Amelia smiled at her mother, she was an amazing woman. Ilene Diaz had worked in the fashion industry for a long time. She was a head editor for the same fashion label that Sheila now worked for as an editor in training.
"Oh and Amelia." Her mother's voice broke her out of her reverie.
"Yes ma'am?"
Ilene smirked and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her daughter's ear.
"Why don't you hold off on telling Amanda." Ilene had a smirk on her face as she spoke and Amelia raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, are you sure?"
Ilene nodded in response then pulled her daughter to a standing position.
"Now go and talk to that young man of yours and fix all this nonsense."

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