Unintentional Confession

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Amelia spun around and drug her hands through her hair.
"Why did I fall in love with you?" She groaned aloud without realizing. Eric stood frozen for a moment then slowly made his way around the counter in a trance. Amelia had her back turned and was unaware of his movements.
"I mean how do I know you're actually flirting and not just being nice?" She muttered as she yanked on her hair to pull it out of the bun. She was frustratedly pulling at the knots as she continued to mutter.
"Stupid blush test, stupid brain, stupid heart." She let her now detangled hair fall in waves around her shoulders then sighed and turned around.
"Blush test?" Eric asked, his brain slowly catching up to her unexpected confession. Her eyes went wide as she realized she'd said all that out loud.
"Oh god, I'm sorry it was Sheila's idea I didn't want to do it!" She hurried to explain as her face went a darker shade of red. Eric felt his lips turn into a grin and he took a step forward.
"By the way I am flirting with you, have been for a few weeks now actually." He watched as realization dawned on her and she stopped moving. He was grinning uncontrollably now as he watched her eyes blow wide.
"Why didn't you say something!?" She yelled as she broke out of her freeze. Eric started laughing as she threw a fist at his shoulder and chanted "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Repeatedly. He was laughing now as he blocked her soft hits.
"Amelia wait...please." he laughed but before he could get her to calm down Kendall swung the kitchen door open.
"Sorry to interrupt the love fest but we have a huge order to take care of back here." She let the door swing shut as she reentered the room and Eric sighed.
"Hey, can we talk later, I'm not sure how long this'll take but I can text you." Amelia nodded and let her hair cover her still red face. Eric couldn't help himself and leaned in to leave a soft kiss on her cheek. He hurried into the back with a wave, his heart hammering in his chest.

Amelia stood at his front counter holding her breath. What would happen now? Did this mean he really did care about her too? She felt the anticipation and anxiety rise in unison as she turned around to leave.
"Hey Ames!" A voice called from behind her making her stop and turn back. Kendall was leaning through the back door her knowing smirk in place.
"Congrats girl." She winked then threw Amelia a thumbs up. Amelia laughed and thanked her young friend then waved. The playfulness of her friend seemed to have made her anxiety levels lower significantly.

Eric blew through the rest of the day in a daze. She had definitely said she loved him. He had most certainly heard her say those words.
"Kendall what if I misheard her and this whole talk goes super awkward?" He asked as they locked up shop. Kendall rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Listen Boo Bear she loves you, you love her go get married and live happily ever after Oh and tell Jack I said Hi." Eric raised an eyebrow at that.
"I thought you hated Jack?" He asked surprised. Kendall rolled her eyes again.
"I don't hate him he just...gets on my nerves sometimes." She said unconvincingly. Eric knew when not to press and this seemed to be one of those times. Kendall waved to him one last time and hopped in her car. He shrugged off the strange feeling and focused on the task ahead. His nerves were so tense you could use them for a high wire act. He took a long, deep breath and let it out slowly. This was it, after tonight there was no going back.

Amelia waited in her apartment. Sheila had gone to spend the evening with Jack until Amelia gave her the all clear. This conversation needed absolutely no interruptions. Amelia bit the inside of her cheek and felt her phone buzz. Her excitement took a dive as she read the text message.

''Amelia I'm so sorry my mother planned a last minute family dinner, she just got back into town Gizelle kidnapped me.'' He ended the text with a sad face and she felt their opportunity fly out the window. She took a deep steadying breath and typed up her reply.

''That's okay we can talk later, have a good night.'' She hit send then felt a tear run down her cheek. Her heart ached but she forced herself not to think about it and sent Sheila the all clear message. Another ding on her phone caught her attention as she flopped onto the couch. 

''Phooey, I'll bring ice cream and we can watch some cheesy hallmark movies.'' Sheila's reply brought a smile to her face and she knew things would work out he obviously wanted to talk to her, he'd even admitted to flirting with her. Amelia let her head rest against the back of the couch and closed her eyes.

Eric chuckled as his mother and sister argued over who the better designer was but his mind was otherwise occupied. Amelia's slip up confession kept replaying in his head. 

''Mom why didn't you let us know you were heading home we could have planned a little better, made some reservations or something.'' Gizelle complained at the quick meal they'd gathered on Eric's living room floor. Their mother swatted her arm and clicked her tongue. 

''I'm tired of fancy, expensive food I wanted simple family time with my two favorite people on the planet, this is perfect.'' She stated with a smile that showed the full and unreserved love she had for her children. They noticed Eric's silence at the same moment and turned on him. 

''You're awful quiet over there Mister Man.'' His mother gave him a knowing look and Gizelle wasn't far behind. 

''Oh are you thinking about Amelia?'' She moved closer to him on the soft carpet. She nudged him in the side and wiggled her perfectly shaped eyebrows. 

''Well...she kind of said something...I can't stop thinking about it.'' He admitted with a sheepish grin at his mother's inquisitive look. They stayed silent waiting for him to reveal the statement rolling around in his memory. He rolled his eyes and laughed then took a deep breath.

''She said she loved me.'' The words felt foreign and his lips curled into a smile he couldn't stop from blossoming on his face. It sounded like an atomic bomb went off in his living room when they both reacted at the same time. The synchronized screech made him duck and cover his ears as he laughed. 

''When, how, why aren't you with her right now?'' Gizelle demanded. Eric laughed and gestured to the impromptu picnic in his living room. 

''You kind of made me cancel plans.'' He chuckled as Gizelle's mouth fell open in shock.

''You moron, you should have said something!'' She shouted as she whacked his arm repeatedly. His mother was silent for a moment as they poked fun at each other. 

''I'm sorry darling, you should have told me, we could have waited.'' She grabbed his hand and gave it an apologetic squeeze. Eric smiled at his mother and shook his head.

''there's always tomorrow.'' He assured with a squeeze of his own. His mother smiled and they all continued their picnic with questions and explanations on Eric's love life.

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