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I just want to note that this is the first story I've ever officially finished writing and I'm fairly proud of it, anyway this is the last of it and I hope everyone who reads the whole thing enjoyed it and there will be more to come!

One year later

Amelia awoke to light streaming through her window. She stretched and rolled over her eyes fell on the steady breathing of her husband. Eric was laying flat on his back his arm hanging over the side of the bed. She reached over and brushed a lock of dark messy hair out of his eyes. A smile graced her lips and she sat up slowly so as not to wake him.  Her heart warmed at the sight of him even a year into their marriage. She padded across the floor to their bathroom and closed the door as quietly as possible. After finishing her morning routine she looked at the small white stick she'd left on the counter and bit her lip. Nerves made her already sensitive stomach knot and she prayed a silent prayer before picking it up. Her eyes went wide and she held in a squeal as she saw the little line that confirmed her growing suspicion. She quickly threw it away and exited the restroom.

Eric stood in front of the full length mirror in their bedroom, trying and failing, to fix his crooked tie. He sighed and slid the length of fabric out from underneath his collar. He'd done his best to tame the unruly locks of his dark hair but they still managed to fall in his eyes.
"Need some help?" He heard his wife's voice from behind him. He turned and smiled then held up the traitorous fabric.
"Did they invent these things just to be confusing?" He asked with a laugh. Amelia took the offending strip from him and began the process of trying it properly.
"You just have to be smarter than the tie darling." She laughed as she finished the knot and readjusted his collar. He grabbed her hands and snuck a quick kiss making her laugh.
"I love you." He stated with a loving caress of her cheek. Amelia beamed and took a step back to find her heels.
"I love you too, are you ready?" She asked as she stepped into the sensible black pumps. Eric wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. His eyes fell on their forms in the full length mirror.
"How did I get so lucky?" He asked his eyes on her as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Amelia hummed and ran her fingers through his hair undoing his attempts to tame it.
"We both got lucky, let's go or we'll be late." She kissed the top of his head and pulled out of his grasp whilst heading towards the door.
"I remember when engagement parties weren't so fancy." He complained as he followed his wife to the front door of their home. Amelia laughed and opened the door.
"Just because we had a casual one doesn't mean everyone will." She grabbed his hand cutting off his response. As he was dragged out the door and to their waiting car he smiled. He truly did have everything he'd ever wanted.

Sheila felt her nerves start to fray as she ran around her mother's house setting out silverware and glasses.
"Momma how's the dessert coming?" She shouted from the dining room. There was a muffled reply then she heard a loud thud. She hurried to her mother's side and sighed as she witnessed the mess in the kitchen. A white plastic bowl was topside down on the floor and a good amount of peppermints were spread across the black and white tile floor.
"Are you okay momma?" She asked as she crouched to salvage what she could. She heard a sniffle from above her and looked up to see her mother's eyes filled with tears.
"Hey what's wrong?" She asked with a frown. Sheila wrapped her arms around her now weeping mother.
"My last baby is leaving the nest." She hiccuped. Sheila muffled a laugh and pulled away from her mother.
"Momma, I'm not even leaving we're just getting married I'll still see you every weekend just like now." She assured as she wiped away the last few stray tears.
"Alright I've had myself a good cry let me clean this up." She bent down to clean and shooed Sheila away.
"Let me help momma." Before sheila could even take a step her mother grabbed her arms.
"Oh no you don't you can't show up to your own engagement party in sweat pants and this rag of a shirt." She pushed Sheila toward the stairs.
"You get changed and be ready to welcome our guests." She gave Sheila one last nudge and turned to head back to the kitchen.
"Thank you momma, I couldn't have done this without you." Her sincere smile was met with a wink as her mother blew her a kiss.
"I know dear now go!" She shooed her with a flapping of hands and Sheila was on her way.

Jack Barrows took a step forward and felt his stomach jolt.
"This is nerve wracking." He stated wiping his now sweating palms on his slacks.
"Trust me I know, take it from me you'll never be ready." Eric spoke from behind him with a pat on his shoulder.
"Let's get this over with huh?" He smiled at his friend and took his wife's hand.
"Yeah, you think I'll live Ames?" Jack asked as he glanced at the dark haired woman. Amelia shook her head and laughed.
"Not at all, just remember you get to marry the love of your life after this." She attempted to reassure him. Jack swallowed his nervousness and trekked up the small flight of steps to the front door. He knocked and scarcely a moment later heard a shout from behind the door.
"They're here momma!" Jack smiled as Sheila's voice came through the door before it swung open.
"Jackie!" She flung herself into his arms and he chuckled as he wrapped them around her.
"Hello lovey." He smirked as she blushed at the nickname.
"Oh momma will be mad if I make you stay out here any longer." She pulled away but grabbed his hand and dragged him into the house. He marveled at the interior decorating they'd done for this party. The banister to the second floor was wrapped in holly and had fake poinsettias sticking out of it in intervals. There was faint christmas music coming from the living and sitting rooms. Sheila giggled excitedly as she pulled him further into the house. They entered the dining room and he felt his jaw fall open. 
"You guys outdid yourselves."
The table was set for nine with fine China that added to the christmas theme. The plates had silver edging and a winter scape was etched into the bottoms in bright reds and greens.
"I'm glad you like it, I was afraid the christmas theme might be too much." Sheila bit her lip as her mother came out of the kitchen.
"Well don't just stand around ogling the decorations, sit down sit down!" She ushered the engaged couple to the first two chairs and Eric and Amelia to the next.
"Mrs.Vice you've outdone yourself, this place looks amazing." Amelia complemented with a wave toward the wonderful decorations.
"Oh please this is nothing, back when me and my husband had our engagement party they invited the whole town." She beamed and set a fresh bowl of salad on the table as she continued.
"My mother and father paid an orchestra to play so everyone could dance in the ballroom." Sheila rolled her eyes but grinned at her mother's extravagant retelling.
"Momma please..." As she was pleading with her mother the doorbell rang and Mrs.Vice hurried to answer it.

They were now well into the festivities as the group was gathered in the sitting room. Sheila and Jack were positioned to be at the front of the room. They'd received gifts and played a few games and now were simply indulging in wholesome conversation. Amelia spotted her chance and tapped her husband's shoulder. He looked up at her sitting on the arm of his chair and smiled.
"Yes my love?" He inquired as he grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. She leaned down to be heard over the crowd.
"Come with me." She whispered as she planted her now bare feet on the plush carpet. Their hands clasped together she led him out onto the terrace. The wind was crisp and cold against their skin as they journeyed to the edge of the tiled gardens.
"Is everything okay?" Eric asked his eyes on his wife as she sighed and bit her lip.
"Better than okay actually, I have something I need to tell you." She grabbed his hands and looked up at him with her beautiful dark brown eyes.
"I know we've only been married a little over a year now but..." Amelia's lips split into a dazzling smile.
"God's timing is always right and Eric..." Her heart fluttered as she thought of all the ways he could react to the news, sending up a quick prayer she forged on.
"You're going to be a daddy." As she watched her words sink in his face went slack and he stared for a solid minute.
"I'm...we're...you're pregnant?" His voice cracked and tears built in his blue eyes. She felt tears in her own and nodded furiously. He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.
"We're going to be parents, I'm going to be a dad." His voice was a whisper but she felt the emotion in it.
"Eric, Amelia, you guys out here?" Kendall called from the sliding glass doors that led to the terrace. They pulled apart and Eric gave her a quick kiss.
"Let's not keep the others waiting." Amelia stated as she pulled him towards the doors.
"Will you tell everyone?" He asked as they neared the warmth of the house once more.
"Not yet, I don't want to steal the spotlight but soon." She answered as they met up with Kendall standing in the doorway.
"They're busting out cake, did you know these things had cake?" Kendall asked as the trio made their way back to the dining room. Eric laughed and pulled Amelia against his side.
"We sure didn't...but maybe we should have." He looked to his wife with a sly smirk.
"No way I'll be big enough as it is soon." She chuckled and bumped his hip with her own. Kendall looked between them with a raised brow.
"You seem awfully more excited than you did twenty minutes ago, something happen I should know about?" She questioned. Eric and Amelia shared a knowing glance and laughed.
"You'll find out soon enough."

Loved From Afar (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu