A Real Date

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Authors note: yeaahhhh I always put my dialogue in car ride scenes don't judge

Amelia was nervous. She paced the apartment and took deep breaths to calm herself down.
"This is fine, it's not a date just hanging out." She told herself with one last look in the mirror.
"Yep all good." She bit her lip then jumped as the intercom buzzed. He was here. She rushed over to the box and his deep voice floated through the speakers.
"Here to retrieve my lady." He chuckled. Amelia felt her cheeks heat and she hit the button to reply.
"On my way." She managed to say before she released the button and squealed. She made her way down the stairs as quickly as possible.

Eric held the bouquet in his shaking hand with his eyes locked on the gate. He heard the click then saw her brown waves come into view. He looked down at the small bouquet of daisies and babies breath and felt his lungs deflate. Was it too much?, would she figure it out? This was weird wasn't it? He turned to see where he could quickly stash the bouquet but he heard a laugh from beside him and looked up.
"Are those for me or your real girlfriend?" Amelia was smiling at him with a mischievous look in her eyes. He swallowed nervously and smiled back. She raised an eyebrow and looked down at the flowers he was still clutching nervously in his grip. His hand shot forward and he felt his cheeks warm from embarrassment.
"S..sorry...here." He bit his lip and hoped she didn't notice his stutter. She took the bouquet and smelled it.
"How did you know Daisies were my favorite?" She asked in bewilderment. Eric smiled and rubbed his neck.
"You mentioned it a few times when you came in for coffee." Eric explained. Her mouth fell open and he prepared to backpedal like his life depended on it.
"You remembered that?" She asked eyes wide in amazement.
"Well yeah, you always had this awesome way of making usually boring things...interesting." Eric stated with a shrug.
"You mean like how you made my day just being at the coffee shop around the corner from my boring desk job?" Amelia laughed as he opened and closed his mouth before grinning like a fool.
"I didn't know you enjoyed my company so much?"
"Oh it wasn't you, it was the hot chocolate and scones." She stepped around him with a playful wink then turned around as she opened her door.
"You coming?"
Eric stared for a moment then grinned, maybe Gizelle was right...this might work after all.

Amelia tried to calm the frantic beating of her heart. Eric's words had caused her to start imagining a happy ending where he might actually have feelings for her. She bit her lip and swung a glance his way. He was fully focused on driving. She smiled as she realized whether or not he liked her back she would always love him. He was her best friend and he simply couldn't be any more amazing if he tried.
"Everything okay over there?" He asked with a quick glance towards her. Amelia blushed realizing she'd been caught staring.
"Yeah, just realizing what great friends I have." She explained. Eric smiled and reached over to squeeze her hand.
"I'm glad we finally got to being friends." He said with a grin. Amelia relished in the warmth of his hand in hers. She wished they could be more than friends but she would be thankful for what she had.
"Wait...finally, what do you mean finally?" She asked with a frown. They arrived at the restaurant and Eric looked at her once he was parked.
"Well when you and Sheila used to hang with me and Jack, you always kind of...avoided me." Eric explained. There was no malice there in fact it seemed like Eric felt bad for making her seemingly uncomfortable.
"Oh well...I.." Amelia couldn't seem to make her voice work and she bit her lip. How could she explain this without practically confessing her love to him?

Eric was somewhat hopeful of her reaction. Maybe Gizelle was right? Had Amelia really liked him since highschool?
"It's okay Amelia, no need to explain we're adults and I'm not trying to make you feel bad." He climbed out of the car and circled the hood so he could open her door.
"If anything I should apologize for making you so uncomfortable." Amelia balked at his words and grabbed his hand.
"Hey you didn't make me uncomfortable...I well...I kind of had a crush on you since junior year." She rushed out the explanation then jogged a couple steps ahead. Eric couldn't help it as he laughed and easily caught up with her swiftly reclaiming her hand.
"I...I kind of knew that already." He admitted with a glance down at her peach tinted cheeks. She was so cute when she was flustered. Her eyes met his, dark brown met bright blue.
"How?" She asked, her cheeks going a shade darker.
"Well...Amanda told me, although I wasn't sure until now." He admitted guiltily.
"That little brat, she swore she'd never tell anyone." She gasped as she gained speed. Eric chuckled again then she turned on her heel bringing him up a step short of slamming into her. She glared daggers at him which he was sure he shouldn't think was absolutely gorgeous.
"You were messing with me trying to get an answer this whole time?" She chided as she took a step forward and poked him in the chest. He laughed then grabbed her offending finger and took a step forward himself making them a bare inch apart.
"That's true but I also did it because you look cute when you blush."

Amelia's eyes went wide and she felt her breathing go shallow. Cute? He'd really just said she was cute from about a half inch away. You cannot kiss a man you aren't really dating. Amelia told herself. She took a quick step back to make some distance before she did something that could ruin their night.
"We should go in." She said as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and stared at the cracks in the ground. She heard Eric clear his throat and she looked back up. His smile was nervous and somewhat bashful.
"Right let's go have dinner." He stepped up beside her and held out his arm.
"Shall we my lady?" Amelia smiled all the nerves suddenly gone as she wrapped her arm around his.
"We shall."

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