Girls Night Out

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Authors note: pictured above is pretty much the outfit minus the grey cardigan for those of you who are interested, carry on.

The next morning Amelia waited scarcely two minutes before telling Sheila everything. The way it all felt strangely like a date, how Eric had been so flirtatious and forward and, last but not least, how Amanda had tried to sabotage the evening with her odd and malicious plan. Sheila sat for a moment in stunned silence as Amelia finished her story with Eric leaving her at the door and her kissing him on the cheek.
" are dating and you don't even realize it." Sheila breathed. Amelia's face went red with embarrassment and she shook her head in denial.
"It's not like that!, although I am starting to think maybe...he actually likes me." Amelia blushed furiously and buried her face in a throw pillow from the end of the couch. Eric had been very forward even called her cute. Sheila smiled at her best friend and yanked her pillow away from her.
"Maybe?, girl there is no maybe!" She whacked Amelia with the pillow making her giggle and snatch it back.
"He asked you on a date last night and you legitimately went on a date!" She exclaimed laughing but exasperated.
"That doesn't count he..." Amelia trailed off as she realized he had in fact paid for dinner without her realizing it.
"Holy crap...he picked me up and dropped me off and...paid for me we....we went on a date!" She shouted as she slapped her hands to her face and muffled her frantic laughter. Sheila rolled her eyes but couldn't keep the grin off her face.
"And it's about time too!" Sheila quipped. Amelia smiled but felt a strange nervousness bubble to the surface.
"How do I know if he really does have interest in me?"
Sheila grabbed her friends hand and smirked.
"You could always do the blush test."
Amelia raised an eyebrow curious but wary.
"The blush test?" She asked skeptically.
"Oh you know, you act really forward and see if he blushes then you've got yourself a nonverbal answer and a cute tomato to tease for years to come." Sheila explained in an overly chipper tone. Amelia chuckled and shook her head.
"I can barely act normal in front of him let alone forward, if anything I'll be the tomato by the end of the night." She sighed. Sheila smiled mischievously.
"There is another way to do the blush test and not be flirtatious or forward." She stated cryptically.

Now standing outside the local mall Amelia was beyond nervous.
"Are you sure about this Sheila?" She asked as she was pulled into the automatic doors.
"Of course, trust the girl who's been dating the same guy for two months." Sheila assured while referring to Jack. Amelia was no less assured however as they made a beeline for the biggest clothing store in the mall.
"We have to find you the most amazing outfit, it has to be perfect." Sheila muttered to herself as she started searching through the racks. Amelia bit her lip and went to the other side to paw through some of the items. There was plenty of short dresses that were cut to the yin yang but she decided against that. She walked further down the rack and found a very nice, black, knee length pencil skirt.
"Sheila what about this?" She held it up and Sheila stopped her rummaging to assess it.
"Oh yes, we can go for a sexy librarian look." Her grin was wicked as she came to join Amelia on the other side.
"Oh no I don't do sexy that's not my thing!" Amelia stated hurriedly as she tried to place the skirt back on the rack. Sheila yanked the hanger from her and wiggled a finger in her face.
"No ma'am, you have to do the sexy outfit if you want the blush test to work." Amelia groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Can't I just...I don't know...ask him?" She sighed heavily and watched helplessly as Sheila tutted and went to the next rack.

After at least two hours of looking through rack after rack they had found the outfit. It was comprised of the black knee length skirt, a black sleeveless turtleneck sweater, a dark grey cardigan and completed with some sensible black pumps. After twenty minutes of protest Amelia had let Sheila do her makeup. Amelia now stood with her back to the full length mirror in her bedroom. Sheila surveilled her one last time then beamed with pride.
"It's perfect, turn around." Amelia half turned was half spun around and was quite shocked by what she saw. It wasn't risque or blatantly inappropriate like she'd expected. It definitely made her curves stand out and the light makeup that Sheila had applied made her eyes pop.
"Wow." She almost whispered. Sheila chuckled and gave a little excited jump.
"Okay just remember, you're headed to the coffee shop now, no detours, no pit stops go stop that man's heart." Sheila commanded as she pushed Amelia to the front door.
"Don't forget to tell me everything when you get back, Okay toodles!" Amelia had barely a moment to give her a wave before the door was slammed shut in her face and there was no turning back.

Eric was minding his business cleaning up from the rush when the bell above the door gave a tinkling ding.  He spun around with a smile to greet the customer only to have his breath knocked from him. Amelia stood in the doorway her hair up in a bun and her bottom lip caught between her teeth. His smile was fully genuine now and he found the strength in his legs to take a few steps forward. He leaned against the counter for support. Amelia licked her lips nervously as she stepped closer.
"So, why are you all dressed up?" He asked his voice surprisingly steady despite the war raging in his gut. Amelia ran her hands down her sides and pulled the cardigan around herself somewhat selfconciously.
"Sheila wanted to dress me up, is it too much?" She asked her eyes boring into his soul.
"No!" He said a bit too loudly.
"I look amazing." He finished with a small smile his cheeks heated as he made eye contact and his heart flipped. She was smirking at him mischievously. Eric raised an eyebrow then leaned forward.
"You seem to know something I don't, care to share?"
Amelia's face turned red but she didn't move away. He had pinned her with his gaze and his knowing smile. Eric waited for her response but she simply smiled and half laughed under her breath.
"I knew this was a bad idea."

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