Chapter 17

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Cody's POV

If her father wasn't enough, my father, David and Carol were with him too. I couldn't be unluckier. Now Carol would tell everyone how she saw us. Samuel clenched his fist angrily. He was fuming. My father shook his head in disapproval as he gritted his teeth. He looked furious too. I was in deep shit.

Why did they catch us every time in an awkward situation which could get wrong easily?!

"Oh, love birds enjoying the moonlight alone together." Carol commented, giving us a wicked smirk.


Emily turned her back towards them, grabbing her dress quickly as she sat down on the ground, her cheeks red. I sat down next to her and pulled my jacket over her shoulders. I stood up and extended my hand towards her, helping her to get up. She grabbed my hand while holding her dress against her chest tightly with her other hand without trying not to look at me, but I noticed the tears shimmering in her eyes. I stepped in front of her, hiding her behind me.

"Sir, I swear. It isn't what it seems." I said anxiously.

"Oh love birds, don't be shy. It is normal at your age." Carol commented, smirking. Samuel gritted his teeth, giving me a murderous look.

Bitch! I am going to kill her. Of course, if Samuel doesn't kill me before.

"To my study room! Now!" Samuel barked and left without waiting for anyone. My father gave me a death glare and led David and Carol towards the house.

I breathed deeply, closing my eyes and cursed under my breath as I opened my eyes. I turned around and looked at Emily. She was shaking in fear while she was looking towards the house with tearful eyes.

"What are we going to do now?" She asked with a shaking voice as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Don't worry. We will explain everything." I tried to assure her and wiped her tears off her cheeks with my thumb.

"I don't think he will listen to us this time." She commented nervously and bit her lower lip as she held my jacket around her body tightly.

"Let's hope. Come on. It will be better if you change your clothes before." I said as I placed my hand on her lower back and led us towards the mansion.

We used the kitchen door for getting inside. Then she went to her room to change her clothes. I was pacing back and forth in the hallway while waiting for Emily. As much as I didn't want to show Emily my fear, I felt frightened. My instinct said it would be hard for us this time.

A few minutes later, Emily walked out of her bedroom, wearing a blue floral dress, her face white like a sheet. Then we went to Samuel's study room.

Emily and I were sitting in the armchairs while Samuel was pacing back and forth like a wild animal. I squeezed my hands together as my nervousness was increasing. I mouthed to my father to help me. He sighed, giving me an angry look.

"Greg, it is the last straw! I will not let your son disgrace my family. I warned him, but he didn't listen. Now he has to take responsibility for his behavior." Samuel snapped as he stopped pacing.

"Sir, I didn't..." I mumbled nervously.

"Shut up!" He barked, shaking his finger at me as he gave me an intimidating look.

"Dad, it was an accident. My strap got ripped accidentally when..." Emily tried to explain, but Samuel gave him an intimidating look, making her stop.

"Accidentally? What was he doing with your strap that got ripped?!" He snapped furiously as he placed his hands on his hips. "What was his hand doing on your breast? Did it happen accidentally too?" He added, his face red with rage. Emily looked down, pursing her lips together as tears ran down her cheeks. Samuel breathed deeply. "You will clear it before that woman tells everyone about your immoral behaviour at the party." He snarled, looking at me.

"Samuel." My father intervened as he approached Samuel.

Finally! I sighed in relief. He would help me. He would never leave me in a bad situation. I knew.

"I am sorry for my son's behaviour. Cody will take his responsibility. We promise you." My father stated, giving Samuel a reassuring look.

What? What responsibility? I didn't fucking do anything. It was an accident. Accident!

Samuel sighed and nodded. "Good! They will get married as soon as possible." He informed in an authoritative tone.

"What?!" Emily and I exclaimed at the same time as we instantly stood up in shock.

"Alright. They will get married as soon as possible." My father agreed and shook Samuel's hand while I was staring at them with wide eyes, my mouth agape.

"Dad?!" I snapped, trying to control myself. My father gave me a warning look. I frowned, frustrated as I clenched my fist.


"I will never marry her. Never!" I snapped as soon as we got in the car. I felt frustrated. How could they decide that we got married without asking our permissions?!

"You have to think about it before you tried to get into her pants." My father stated angrily as he gave me a death glare in the rearview mirror.

"Dad, I didn't do anything. It is all misunderstanding." I said, annoyed.

"Yeah. I know your misunderstandings." My father mocked.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes. "Mom, please, tell Dad something. I didn't do anything." I pleaded, giving my mother a begging look as I leaned forward.

"Cody, how many times should we warn you? But you don't listen to our warnings. I will not save your ass every time. Now you have to take responsibility for your actions. That gossipmonger will tell everyone what she has seen. Moreover, she will exaggerate it as well. Everyone will know what happened between you and Emily. If you don't care about our family name, at least think about Emily. How do you think she will feel when everyone talks behind her, saying awful things to her?" My mother said firmly.

"Mom, we didn't do anything. I explained what happened. Why don't you believe me?" I stated in annoyance and ran my hand through my hair angrily.

My mother turned towards me and gave me a knowing look as she replied mockingly. "Maybe, because we know you very well."

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