THREE - motel or meth lab?

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THREE —— motel or meth lab?

The coast guard building was stuffed with people, all frantic and desperate to get to the bottom of their hurricane-related problem

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The coast guard building was stuffed with people, all frantic and desperate to get to the bottom of their hurricane-related problem. Bee and her friends had to sidestep, tip-toe, and dodge around angry islanders just to get halfway through the room. JJ and John B made it to the front desk first, so the others hung back, knowing that it was already too crowded up there without them.

After only a few seconds lingering on the outskirts of the crowd, Bee turned away from everyone and paced back outside, the chaos and mugginess of the building's interior causing her heart to race and her temples to throb with the beginning of a headache. It didn't help that every breath was forced to be shallow thanks to the pain still pushing against her ribs. Outside was much calmer, the loud complaints only a murmur from where she stood against the wooden rail.

Kie followed her out, heaving an annoyed sigh before leaning her back against the rail beside Bee. She kept her eyes on the busy scene inside when she spoke. "You know, I bet most of their problems are more like minor inconveniences."

Bee scoffed, nodding her head. She faced the opposite direction, watching the rippling water below. "Stupid shit, too. Like, someone probably forgot to properly tie up their boat and now they want the guard to go look for it."

"And if that boat sunk, it would harm the environment more than it would put a dent in the Kooks' pockets," Kie said as the boys marched out of the building. "They only care about themselves." She pushed herself off the railing and stepped forward.

"Well, that went well," Pope said. Bee could sense the sarcasm and she turned around to face her friends.

"So, what's the plan?" asked JJ, draping his arm over John B's shoulder.

When John B held up the motel key and shook it in the air, Bee's eyes widened. "You still have it?"

The corner of his lips turned up in a smirk and he nodded. "Yep. And I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat."

JJ agreed immediately, but Pope shook his head. "No way. We don't know whose room that is, okay? It could be anyone."

The key flew through the air towards Kie. She caught it and grinned at Pope. "Come on, I'll be lookout," she said.

"You only live once!" Bee joked, making the shaka sign with her hand. She then turned and followed Kie away.

Adrenaline fluttered in her chest for a moment. Bee had decided when summer started that any chance she got to do something impulsive and adventurous, she was going to take. So far, nothing notable had happened—the Outer Banks did tend to be a plain, boring place, after all. But now, with a mysterious shipwreck under their noses and a stranger's motel key in their hands, things were starting to look up for the Pogues.

𝑨𝑫𝑹𝑰𝑭𝑻,   jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now