NINE - stealin' a drone

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NINE —— stealin' a drone

The weight of something on Bee's forehead woke her up the next morning

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The weight of something on Bee's forehead woke her up the next morning. She opened her eyes to see Kiara's arm sprawled across her face and carefully pushed it off so she could climb out of the guest bed. An empty hole was burning through stomach, hunger making it growl, so she made her way to John B's kitchen, hoping there would be something more than just mouldy bread.

Sunlight shone through the windows, casting bright, cheerful patterns onto the scuffed floorboards and worn-out furniture. Bee's squinted as she walked, her eyes still adjusting to the light. In the kitchen, She managed to find a package of Oreos on the sparse pantry shelves, so she grabbed a few from the package and made her way onto the porch outside.

As soon as she stepped through the doorframe, someone grabbed her by her waist and clamped a hand over her mouth from behind. Her eyes widened and fear rippled momentarily through her body. Then, the culprit started laughing and Bee recognized him immediately. JJ. Bee licked his hand and he jerked it away, wiping it aggressively on his shorts with a scowl on his golden face. Bee slapped his chest with her hand.

"Ow!" he protested, hopping away.

"Serves you right, asshole," Bee said, brushing past him to sit on the couch. "I thought you were a square grouper or something."

JJ simply laughed some more, a cheeky grin brightening his face, and sat next to her so that his legs were splayed across hers. They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the nice weather and the sound of the leaves rustling in the slight breeze.

"How are things with your dad?" Bee eventually asked. She knew it was a touchy subject for JJ, but she made sure to check in on all of her friends every once in a while, and JJ just so happened to be at the top of her list. His home life was far from good, even though he often tried to hide it.

JJ fixed his eyes onto something in the distance and rubbed the back of his neck. His jaw clenched and relaxed before he was ready to talk. "Same as always," he shrugged, finally meeting her eyes.

Bee nodded, a pang of something similar to regret hitting her heart. She wished she could help him—erase his father from his life, perhaps, but she couldn't. He simply had to wait a painful few more years until they were eighteen. Then he could ditch him. Then JJ could escape. Bee knew her home life wasn't perfect either, but she had absolutely nothing to complain about next to JJ.

"Well, if you ever need a place to stay other than here, you know we have a couch at my house."

JJ nodded, offering a small smile. "Thanks, Bee. I appreciate it. Did I tell you my idiot dad lost his job at the salvage yard?"

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