NINETEEN - smokin' a doobie

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NINETEEN —— smokin' a doobie

"What the hell is going on?" Kiara questioned from beside Bee.

The two girls walked toward the end of Kie's dock, where Pope had just pulled up in the HMS Pogue.

"Howdy, Pope," Bee said, raising her hand in a quick wave.

"JJ and John B conked out in the marsh," Pope explained after waving back. "They need a tow."

"Uh, okay, well what does that have to do with us?" Kiara asked.

Bee climbed down the ladder and dropped into the boat, using her arms for balance as she walked over to the steering wheel. Kie followed her in, hopping down and stepping closer to her friends.

Pope shrugged. "We need you for mechanical."

"Okay, then let me rephrase," Kiara said, frowning. "What does this have to do with me? Bee's the mechanics expert."

Bee nodded. "This is true. Might as well call me Dominic Toretto."

Again, Pope shrugged as he pulled the boat away from the dock. "Hey, don't ask me, they just said to get you both to come."

"Can't you guys figure it out on your own?" Bee asked, taking a seat on the bench at the bow.

"We need your expertise," Pope said. He sounded uncertain of his answer, and it didn't help when he added, hesitantly, "Plus, you two are like a dynamic duo."

Bee grinned at that, and held out her hand for Kie to high-five it. Kie accepted the gesture and took a seat beside her for the ride.

The wind created by the boat's speed whipped Bee's hair behind her, moving it out of her face and cooling her down. Sea water sprayed up in intervals that matched with every wave they drove over, and the familiar smell of salt wafted through the air, a comfort to Bee. The gruesome images Sheriff Peterkin had shown her the previous night played on an incessant loop in her mind; first the man who had been gutted, then the one whose arm was severed, and on and on it went.

Spending time with her friends seemed to help take her mind off of it, though, so she was especially grateful for them today.

"John B and JJ are up in the Alp," Pope said as they approached the bigger boat.

"Damn, you guys are hopeless," Bee teased, standing from the bench she had been sitting on.

"Yeah, can't y'all do anything without us? Kie asked.

"Apparently not," Bee said, following Kie up to the bow so they could board the other boat. "They need the girl power."

Kie hopped out first, and Bee climbed out behind her. As soon as she was out, though, Pope turned thee motor back on and moved the HMS Pogue away. Kiara didn't notice and kept walking toward the cabin.

Confused, Bee froze, then whipped around to face Pope. "What are you doing?"

Pope sighed, avoiding Bee's scrutinizing gaze. "Look, we need Kie and Sarah to be able to work together, or this whole treasure hunt is clearly gonna be a bust."

Bee frowned, processing Pope's words.

"That doesn't—"

She cut herself off when she heard JJ and John B's heavy footsteps as they bolted out of the boat's cabin. JJ latched his arm around Bee's waist and pulled her down with him as they dove into the water, whooping as he went.

There was a moment of suspension in the air, and then her stomach dropped and Bee and JJ plummeted into the water in a tangle of limbs.

"What the hell!?" Bee gasped, splashing up to the surface and throwing her loose hair from her face.

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