Chapter Two

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Ciara tried to calm down; her temper was not something that she had great control over though. Unfortunately, that was a serious problem & she wouldn't lie to herself about it.

Michael came into the kitchen just as she was mentally chastising herself for threatening a cop. If he hadn't been her friend, as well as Chief, she'd be sitting in the back of a cruiser with handcuffs on.

"I'm sorry for my actions in there," she said. "After everything that's happened, it was just too much and I lost control. That's not an excuse. What's his name?"

"Sargent Davis." Michael took the mug of tea she handed him. The scent alone was relaxing, yet energizing. "I've no idea how you do this."

Ciara looked at him, not understanding what he meant. When he motioned to the mug a small smile graced her face.

"It's a secret passed down by my mother and grandmother. It's not hard, just a blending of herbs, but I'm glad you like it."

"It never tastes quite the same from one time to the next. You must use different herbs each time?"

"That's right, I do." She picked up the creamer and sugar, adding a bit of each to her mug. "You realize I'm gonna have to apologize to your officer, right?"

Michael reached over and took her hand in his.

"That's because your tougher on yourself than on anyone else. Go apologize and then we'll go over everything that happened."


After four long, grueling hours Ciara had repeated the events of the evening several times, including once on tape. The cops had searched her house from top to bottom and found signs that the intruder had also been in her home office, den, private sitting room and master bedroom.

Michael had gotten up to speak privately with them several times, but otherwise had not left Ciara's side. The C.S.U. (Crime Scene Unit) had been called in right away to gather any available evidence. The kitten, knife, and other evidence had been taken to their lab for processing.

Michael had a couple officers put clean sheets and blankets on her bed. He new she'd notice and sat down after refilling their mugs. A couple of hours ago Ciara had switched to coffee and they both took a drink in silence.

"Just say it, whatever it is," Ciara told him. "Few things are worse than being in the dark."

"You've heard that his footprints have been found in more areas on the first floor?"

She nodded and thought, 'Tomorrow this house will be scrubbed from top to bottom! I don't want a single trace of that foul man in here.'

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but he also invaded your private suite of rooms. The perpetrator made some mistakes though."

Ciara unclenched her fists and took several deep breaths, fighting against the fury that wanted to erupt. The bastard had went too far by invading her privacy on top of all else.

"What did he do?" she asked.

Michael sighed, "He urinated on your clothes in the closet and masturbated on your bed. The last thing he did was defecate on your sitting room furniture."

"He took a shit on my furniture??!! AFTER cumming on my bed and pissing on my clothes!? You better pray that you find him first, otherwise he's a dead man! THAT'S a promise!" Ciara bluntly told Michael. "What kind of freak is this guy? The phone call, the kitten and now all this? He's gotta be fucked in the head! And why me?"

"We'll find him, I promise. Listen, I want you to come stay with Audrey and me. Just until we find whoever is threatening you."

"Thank you for the offer, but no. I'm not being chased out of my home by this asshole."

Ciara's chin was tilted at a stubborn angle and her shoulders were set. He wasn't going to change her mind, but he had to try one more time.

"Listen to me, Ciara. Whoever this guy is, he has already threatened your life and the lives of your dogs, as well as killed a kitten. He broke into your house. From everything I have seen and heard this guy could be psychotic; for some reason he has fixated on you. Please come and stay with us until he's caught."

Ciara shook her head, " I won't put y'all in danger. We've been friends for a lot of years, so you already know that I'm not going anywhere. I do appreciate the offer, but I can't accept it. Tell Audrey I'll be fine here."


Ciara had placed most of her weapons back in the weapons room, but had scattered some in every room of the house. She definitely had the Irish stubbornness and temper, but that didn't equate to stupidity.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to sleep, Ciara and the dogs sat on the front porch watching the sun come up. Sipping another cup of tea, she planned her day and made notes in her laptop. Irish Treasures wouldn't be open today, there were too many things she had to do at her house. She also had to make a trip into town for some necessities.

Defend Yourself, the local weapon's store, was on her list of stops to make. Charlie Jo had already assured Ciara that her 'special order' would be available around noon. Thank goodness they opened at 6:00 a.m. because Ciara called shortly after to place her order, that way she knew she'd have it before heading home.


Well, it may be short, but I've gotta go to bed. And yes, people really do say "y'all" in the south! Y'all trust me on that!

P.S. We also REALLY like our weapons, biscuits & gravy, cornbread & brown beans, and last but not least- our dogs!

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