Chapter Four

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Ciara, Archu and Grania were headed into town for supplies, Begley and Devlin were at the house in guard mode. The first stop on their list was Irish Treasures so she could make some calls and grab paperwork that could be done at home.

Pulling into a parking space, Ciara let the dogs follow her inside. Just breathing the aroma of incense lingering in the air calmed her down. Going into her office Ciara headed for her desk as Archu and Grania settled onto their dog beds.

She had printed an inventory of everything in stock, as well as a list of custom orders that some of her clients wanted. Absorbed in the details of what needed ordered for who, she didn't hear the front door opening.

"Good morning."

Ciara looked up in surprise at the lilting male voice. Standing in her doorway was a vision of pure manliness. She was so distracted by him that she didn't notice Archu and Grania had moved to sit between her and the stranger.

He was tall- probably around 6'3", with auburn hair and sparkling hazel eyes. Muscles filled out the dress shirt and jeans he wore. Her gaze kept going down and saw that he was wearing a pair of cowboy boots.

'I've got to be dreaming! I could just lick him from head to toe!" Ciara thought.

Raising her eyes back to the jeans, she was trying to tell if he wore boxers or briefs. In the midst of her internal debate, she heard a very masculine chuckle.

Ciara's eyes flew back to his and a blush spread over her cheeks as she saw his grin. 'Great, now he probably thinks I'm a slut! Good going Ciara, did you have to eye-fuck him?!'

"I'm sorry, sir. We're closed today and tomorrow. If you could come back after that, I could let you look around or order something for you."

"Are you Ciara?" the handsome stranger asked.

Suddenly recalling the events at her house and realizing she was alone with a stranger, Ciara stood up.

"Namhaid (Nah-vit, Enemy)," she told the dogs.

Archu and Grania immediately stood, hackles raised and teeth bared. Ciara grabbed the Rutger 9mm from her desktop and aimed it at the man. Low, rumbling growls filled the air- she knew the dogs were ready to attack anytime she told them to.

"Namhaid? I'm not your enemy." the stranger replied.

"Who are you and how did you know my name?" Ciara demanded.

"Easy, darlin'. Your cousin Evan knew I had moved up here, he told me to look you up- said you had a job opening soon. My name's Cian (kee-in). Would you mind putting down that cannon?"

"Not yet and I'd advise you not to move or these dogs will tear you apart."

Ciara picked up the phone, dialing her cousin's cell. She put the call on speaker to keep her gun held in a firing stance.

"Maidin Mhaith (My-din Bah, Good Morning) Ciara! How's my favorite cousin doing? Did the police find your intruder? How's Uncle Connor and Aunt Sarah getting along? What about-"

"Evan, shut the hell up! Good grief you're long-winded! Did you send a guy here to look for a job?" Ciara interrupted him to ask.

"Sure, I heard your assistant was quitting. My friend, Cian (kee-in), moved up there and recently became unemployed. I called him up and told him to go talk to you."

"Describe him." Ciara ordered.

"Ciara, what's wrong?" Evan asked.

"Evan," Ciara sighed then continued. "Please just describe him for me. I'll explain later."

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