Chapter Three

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Location: A small shack outside of town.


The sound of a blade being sharpened cut through the early morning chorus of birdsong. Fingers lovingly caressed the stainless steel, testing it's sharpness. A drop of beautiful crimson blood welled up from a small cut and a tongue darted out to lick it away.

The knife was placed on the porch-rail, exactly where it belonged in the organized row of knives. It was a Bowie with a blade of eight inches, therefore it was between the six inch straight razor and the custom-made twelve inch, double edged hunting knife.

After seeing Ciara's reaction to the phone call, threats to those damn dogs, the kitten pinned to her coffee table, as well as his activities in her bedroom and sitting room- well now, he was flying pretty high today.

For years now he had watched her build the life that he was starting to tear apart. When he got through demolishing every single thing she valued and had brought her to her knees, then he would step in and take her with him. She wouldn't get away from him again.

"... and we've waited for so long, for this moment to come, was so anxious to be together, together in death..." played, booming out of the falling-down shack into the surrounding woods.

As he turned towards the guns set on the table to be cleaned, he thought 'We'll be together, it's our destiny, our fate. No matter how much she fights it, I can't blame her. She just doesn't realize yet that her soul is meant to be with mine. SHE'S mine. She can't be happy- not really happy, without me. I'm her everything.'

By the time he had finished taking apart the guns and cleaning them the sun had risen in the sky. By its position he knew it was around ten a.m. and time to leave his cabin. Putting the weapons away he sighed and headed for his truck. It was time to get back to his "regular" life, and that meant going to work.

'Patience,' he told himself, 'Nobody knows and nobody will guess what's going on until it's too late to stop me. This is the ultimate game and I WILL win.'



Okay, I don't usually put notes in my stories. But there are always exceptions to the rule & this is one of them. The lyrics used in this chapter are from the song "Join Me In Death" by H.I.M. I do not own any copyright on the song or the lyrics therein. As a matter of fact, I don't even like the song or the group. I did, however, need something that my character would listen to and like.

Thank you for reading my story. I'll post another chapter as soon as it's finished.


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