Chapter One: Introduction

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My name is Maisy Liu and my best friend and anti-crime partner is Amanda Adley or, as I call her, Fu'ermost, which is Chinese for Sherlock!

We met almost a year ago, in September 1948. I had just started boarding school and was a dorm mate to Amanda. We have solved 5 mini mysteries, but nothing could have prepared us for our first murder case! Especially one so close to family.... well, the Adley family.....

It all began when the sun started to shine and our school days were nearly over. My mother, Sue Liu, called me and stated that I would not be coming home for the holidays and I would have to stay at school - but Amanda, being Amanda, had a plan. I was to go to her mansion in Derby, there would be plenty of room and I was most welcome to stay for the full holidays.

So, when I arrived, it made it ever so hard for me to be concerned that there was a broach missing, or a diamond had been moved. It was summer, time to relax, even if Amanda was full of energy and hoping for a mystery.

Well, I suppose she got her wish because we had exactly 13 days to solve a kidnapping and a murder - but I'm getting ahead of myself. Fu'ermost always wants me to be chronological and professional when it comes to our cases.

Even if she pretends it is a mystery game like Cluedo!

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