Chapter Eleven: Intruders

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“Saved by the bang!” Amanda murmured “Come on!”


“Amanda!” I whisper-cried. “Your hair!”
“Yes it’s tangled and not really in a very good state, but is this really the time?” Amanda questioned “I mean we are in my little sister’s bedroom waiting for possible criminals!”
“No! Burning!” I cried.
“Oh shoot!” She wailed “I must have leant against the lamp!”
“Hold still!”
“I’m going to be bald!” She wept.
“No just wet!” I said pouring the contents of a vase over her head.
“Oh Dear!” Amanda gasped “I hear voices!”


“They’re coming upstairs!” We chorused.
Amanda grabbed a three spoked candelabra from the bedside table and motioned me to hide.

I knew by now not to question Amanda’s motives, if she suggested something, it was better to go along with it. Especially if you just dropped water all over her head and spilled her sister’s favourite flowers all over the room!
“I thought you said those annoying girls would be gone, not the child.” A harsh, unfamiliar voice cut through the silence.

“Don’t worry, they’ll be no trouble to us!” Mrs Rion’s voice sliced the air “Anyway one of
them is a full on snobby brat and the other, well they aren’t from here, let’s say that much.”
“I’ll scour the other room.” The harsh male voice said again, sneering.
“Ok.” Mrs Rion called as she opened the door. “Oh, they’re gone!” She said mockingly.

“No!” Amanda screamed flaunting the candelabra “I AM NOT!”
“Amanda, I felt quite faint,” I could hear the smile in Mrs Rion’s voice “I came back before the drinks. No need to brandish three lit candles on a metal stand in my face!”

“Who was that? Where are they? And what do you want with my sister?”
“All will be answered in time.” Mrs Rion smiled, “Where’s Miss ‘I cry at the thought of my country’?”
“She’s not here!” Amanda said “And her name is Maisy and she’s extremely clever, because she only did that so that we had a chance to get information out of you! You can’t protect your husband forever!” Amanda finished, defending me even in times of danger.

“Don’t lie to your elders!”
“I’m actually not!” Amanda giggled.
“Of course you are!”
“No I’m not!”
“Don’t start a sentence with no.”
“Don’t accuse me of lying!” Amanda countered.
“Where is she?!” Mrs Rion said, really angrily, “I’d like a word with her.”

“She climbed out of the window when you got here,” Amanda paused “This would hurt you know, I’m strong!” She said pointing the flames at her.

“Thank you for betraying your friend dear, it’s been very helpful.” Mrs Rion gloated “Have a pleasant evening. Goodnight!”
“Bad night!” Amanda shrieked “Get out of my house!”
“You don’t control me!” Mrs Rion sounded appalled.
“Just go away!” Amanda said slamming the door in her face.


“Well that was fun!” Amanda laughed as I crawled out.
“That’s it,” I sighed “I’m buying you a dictionary!”

Hi, by the way, this is Amanda,
My definition of fun: Outsmarting a possible kidnapper and scaling buildings.
Dictionary definition of fun: Fun is the enjoyment of pleasure, particularly in leisure activities. It
is an enjoyable distraction, diverting the mind and body from any serious task or contributing an extra dimension to it.
Soooooo basically the same!

No, definitely not the same.

“You put yourself in so much danger!” I declared “and for the record I can’t climb out of a window that quickly, or at all!”
“I know!” Amanda declared “Come on let’s go.”
“Okay?!” I said retying my shoelace which had come undone in my haste to clamber under the bed.

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