Chapter Nine: Fearful Theatre

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“Bye!” Mr Adley called. “Be good!”
“When am I ever not?”
“When you convince your little sister to come.” he whispered.
“I decided on MY OWN!” Annabelle murmured indignantly.
“See,” Amanda chimed.
“Go!” Mr Adley cried cheerfully. “Look after Maisy, you little annoyance!”
A few minutes later the car drove away and me and Amanda were alone.


“You know I could hear your conversation with your dad, right?” I said, after Amanda filled
me in.
“Not all of it.”
“Fine, most.” I admitted.

Amanda chirruped and walked to the window. “So what do you want to do? I mean, I would say we should climb the roof to see if we see something unusual, but, since your fall earlier, that isn’t a good plan.”
“Oh, pity,” I said sarcastically. “How cruel can the world be?”
“Oh, shut up!” Amanda giggled.
“I’m not -”
“Doing it! I know!” Amanda finished.
“Injured.” I corrected her.

“You’re what?”
“More like I’m NOT!” I joked.
“No way, Wo Sen! I’m not only relieved, but, also, WOW!” Amanda cried.
“So...” I bartered, “no roof!”
“No roof, or I’m 100% leaving!” I laughed, only partially joking.


As we walked downstairs, we giggled, but then...
“Oh!” I gasped after looking out of the window. I heard the door shut and one of the maids carrying it into the office. “My telegram!”

I ran to the office where my telegram lay untouched. I picked it up and a strange sensation ran through me.
“What are you doing?” Amanda was appalled. “Father’s office is strictly off limits!”
“I had to grab this,” I said, brandishing the letter in front of her.
“Okay, and what is it?”

“Everyone who has connections to the bank.”
“My father is on the list!” Amanda gasped.
“Yes, but he’s under the title investor, so he won’t have a ring.”
“What strange names,” Amanda began “‘Miss Ling’, ‘Mr Usi’, Mr Noir’, ‘Mrs B-“

“Noir!” I exclaimed
“Yes, it’s ‘black’ in French,” Amanda sighed.
“And Rion backwards!” I added.
“Wo Sen, you little miracle!”
“Don’t call me little!”
“Oh, but you are.”


As we sprinted to the Rion’s room, Amanda stopped at the foot of the stairs.
“What?” I panted.
“Annabelle, she said something, I need to......” And she was off. I followed her to the
infirmary where, on Annabelle’s bed, lay a note:

hello sistar,
I am realy hapy you made me come! Me hope Moisy feels better. I an sure she will.
The theatre seems lovely, I wish you were comin as well. We are guing to watch my favourete play Cimderella! I thouht you wanded to came. It doesn’t seem to Bothar mum and dad. I hope the citties won’t be too much trouble. Me am happy to go but Don’t wamt to go without you and Moisy! You are the best, so ask mum if we can have a pupy because it would make me hapy, plase. don’t worry about Maisy’s arm,
Love Annabelle

“Ah, that’s sweet!” I said.
“Yes, but look at the spellings!”
“She’s 9!” I argued.
“She spelt Maisy wrong, twice, then spelt it correctly once,” she added. “And it’s easy words that she has spelt wrong – she KNOWS how to spell those words.”

I waited as Amanda stood there gazing at the note as if it was her hero.
“She must be trying to tell us something!”
“Ok,” I said, “you work it out!”
“Ok I will, she paused, held out her hand and demanded “pen!”
I reluctantly handed her the pen.

Hello sister,
I am really happy you made me come!

“See, I did it already!” Amanda said.
“True, but it took you ages, let me help,”
Ten minutes later we had the message:

Help I am going to be kidnapped!

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