Chapter Two: The Arrival

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The car journey was not the best, driving around all those curves and seeing dead animals on the roads. However, Amanda's conversation was the one I was used to, innocent boasting;
"Maisy, you'll love it! It is just so picturesque yet modern. And nothing like that mouldy, traditional school we go to!" Amanda exclaimed.
"Amanda, we never would have met and you wouldn't be a Fu'ermost," I replied - I said Sherlock in Chinese because we are a secret organisation and she's the only one who knows it other than me in the car.

"You are right, Wo Sen, thank you" Amanda replied grudgingly.
In case you are wondering, Wo Sen is Watson in Chinese.
"Martin, are we nearly there?" Amanda asked her butler.
"Soon, Miss, very soon," he replied. "To pass the time why don't you tell us about your school year?"
"Well, if you insist," Amanda said, joyfully. I smiled, and without waiting half a second she began: "Well, firstly we had a problem with our French, because our teacher couldn't make it to school and all the others were busy, so we all had to...." I let Amanda talk and talk until I dozed off watching the hills roll by.


I awoke when a jumping Amanda knelt on my hand.
"Ow!" I shouted, half dazed.
"Sorry! Maisy, we're here!" Amanda cried.
"I guessed that by the fact you aren't wearing your seatbelt- and Martin's gone!" I added, realising we were the only ones in the car.
"Yeah, he had something to 'deal with'" she blurted out. "So, Watson, what do you think of my house?"

I was lost for words. So what if the stone steps in the courtyard were a light, mossy green - the house had character. The roof was a beautiful burgundy colour and the old oak stood perfectly placed in the lawn, each one of its branches swaying in the gentle wind. The house was two stories high and had windows all through its bricks and beams. The old front door looked like it belonged in a palace, it was arched and the knocker was a lion. No, not a lion, a cat. When I asked Amanda later why it was a cat, she simply replied, "It is my cat Charlie, the back door's is my sister's cat Misty. On the top floor, there were potted plants hanging from one window and I could see, just barely, that the flowers were in full blossom.

The side of the house was just as stunning. Amanda was right, as usual, it was like a massive cottage that had had a modern makeover.
I stood, mouth wide open, on the patio.
"Wo Sen! It is impolite to not answer a lady, or anyone for that matter: what do you think?" Amanda nudged me.
"Wow," I muttered under my breath.
"It is stunning, you're right" Amanda claimed: I kind of hate her bat hearing.
"It is also rude, Fu'ermost, to snoop around rooms, eavesdrop and accuse people of theft, but we still do it!" I whispered.
"Show off!" Amanda snorted.
I winked and walked off to meet June and Terry who are Amanda's parents.
"Wait," Amanda whispered, tugging at my arm. "Look." She pointed to the other side of the lawn where Sofia, the maid, and Martin were talking.
"So?" I shrugged.
"So, do you never watch? Surely that clever brain of yours can think, Watson - Martin just went inside, I saw his silhouette in the top window!" Amanda explained, rudely, I might add.
"Yes, and?" I continued, "Might I say that we are being rude standing here, and its holidays, tell me later!"
"Fine - by the way, this is why I'm Sherlock and not the other way around," Amanda said, stubbornly.


As we walked up the steps, Amanda's dad put out his hand for me to shake before picking up his 'innocent' daughter Amanda and squeezing her silly.
"Dad!" Amanda giggled, "I'm 15!"
"Yeah, yeah, my little girl's not so small anymore, is she?" He replied.
"Anyone for tea or hot chocolate?" June asked.
"No thank you, mummy, I am actually exhausted from the journey and so is Maisy. I think an early night is in store for us, I can't wait to spend some time with you tomorrow though." Amanda said, putting on her little girl to adult voice.
"Yes, of course dear, I take it your received dinner before you left school?" June replied. "How about you, Maisy, would you like me to send anything up for you? A drink, some lemon cake?"
"Some hot chocolate and lemon cake would be perfect, thank you Mrs Adley," I said loudly, despite my yawns.
"Please dear, call me June," she stated cheerily. "Martin, Sofia, get the cooks the order, now! Thank you."

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