December 15th

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When I woke up, my back was pressed against Ethan's chest. His arms were wrapped around my waist while his chin was sitting on top of my head. I was hella comfortable, but I had to go pee. Ethan would wake up the second I moved if this were like any cheesy romance book or movie. So instead of being graceful, I literally rolled off the bed and onto the ground. Definitely not one of my smartest moves.

"Ow," I said. I was currently laying on my back on the ground.

Ethan looked over and asked, "Are you okay?" I could tell he was trying not to laugh.


"What were you thinking?" Ethan asked as he helped me stand up.

"I wasn't," I said. He rolled his eyes at me. "I just woke up, and I have to go pee. My mind was clearly not in a functioning state."

He started laughing, "I can't believe you rolled off your bed. This is not what I expected to have happened."

"What did you expect to happen?"

"I don't know. In the movies, they try to sneak away without waking the other person up and usually fail. You didn't even try."

"Sneak off to where? You're in my apartment, Asshole. If anyone were sneaking away or doing the Walk of Shame, it would be you."

"Why would I do the Walk of Shame? We didn't do anything."

"I was just saying," I said. Ethan smiled as he pulled me back to my bed. Bruh, I still have to go pee. "Dude, let me go.."

"Why?" He whined like the toddler he truly is.

"Because I have to go pee. So let me go, or I'll pee all over you."

"Go ahead," Ethan said. "After all, this is your bed. You'd have to clean up the mess."

"And you'd smell like piss until you shower and change clothes," I pointed out.

He sighed, "Fine." Ethan finally let me go allowing me to escape to use the restroom, leaving Ethan to hang out in my room.

The first thing Alice asked me when I came out of the bathroom was, "Where is your guest?" I just pointed to my room. He was probably just hanging out there, lying on my bed.

"I feel like I've been hit by a bus, and I need to sleep for a hundred years," I groaned. I either needed a nap or an energy drink. At this point, I will crash and burn before dinner time, and I will greatly welcome it. However, studying is going to be a pain in the ass. I can't focus if I feel like death.

"You guys were up pretty late watching movies," Alice said. I started to clean up the mess Ethan and I left last night. "Did you guys get enough snacks to feed a small army?" Not going to lie; a lot of the snacks were scattered in random places between the living room and the kitchen.

"He didn't know what snack I liked, so he bought the entire grocery store. Help yourself to whatever. If no one claims it, he is taking it back to his place."

"I think I will."

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, and his voice said, "Good morning."

"Don't touch me," I said as I smacked his arms off. Ethan looked at me, confused, and a little bit hurt that I didn't let him hug me.

"Don't take it personally. Hailey turns into a toddler who doesn't like being touched when she is cranky," Alice said, stuffing a cookie in her mouth. Bruh, what a fucking mood. "I'm Alice, by the way. I'm the one who has to deal with her on a daily basis."

"Ethan," He said. Alice grabbed the cookies and made her way to her room to leave us alone. Rude, much? "Why are you cranky? You seemed fine before you went to the restroom."

"Because while I was in there, my brain realized that we only got a few hours of sleep last night, and it is ready to shut down," I said, laying my head on his shoulder.

Ethan shrugged, "Alright. Then let's go take a nap."

"Don't you have places to be?"

"Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?"


"I don't have anywhere to be. Since finals start tomorrow, Coach gave us the day off from practice to study. Plus, I haven't heard from Liam yet," Ethan explained.

"Oh," I said, remembering Liam and Elizabeth's date last night. "I wonder how it went. Maybe I should text Elizabeth and ask her." I went to reach into my PJ pants pocket to find it empty. Oh yeah, my broken brain left my phone in my bedroom when I went to the bathroom.

Ethan laughed, "I think you should take a nap before you ask Elizabeth about her date. You might end up falling asleep on her rambling if you don't take a nap first."

"I guess you're right. We don't want Elizabeth thinking she is boring me to death with details about your best friend," I sighed. Ethan grabbed my hand and carefully pulled me back to my bedroom and to my bed. We both carefully climbed into my bed, and the second my head hit my pillow, I was asleep again.

"Dude, I don't know when I need you to pick me up," I heard Ethan whisper yell into his phone. "Hailey is still asleep, and I don't want to wake her up."

"Too late for that," I grumbled with my eyes closed.

He sighed, "Liam, I have to go. I'll text you when I need a ride."

"Boyfriend troubles?" I teased.

"Liam was bugging me about when he has to pick me up because he doesn't want to get into studying for his finals and then have to stop to come get me."

"Okay, then tell him to come get you."

"What? Why?" Ethan asked, confused.

"We've spent some time together, plus finals start tomorrow. Studying needs to be done, my guy," I said.

"But I don't want to quit hanging out with you. I like hanging out with you."

"So?" I said. Ethan frowned. "Hate to break it to you, but some of us actually have to study for our finals to pass them. Can't do that if the two of us are hanging out."

"Fine," Ethan grumbled. He started typing away on his phone. Probably telling Liam to come get him since I'm kicking him out.

"We can hang out later this week before we go our separate ways for the break."

"We better," Ethan said, still pouting.

So next Friday is my last day at my current job and then after that I'm moving back across the US where I will be starting a new full time job but I get done earlier in the day so maybe I'll get some writing done

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