December 27th

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I woke up at three in the morning for multiple reasons. My phone wouldn't stop vibrating, and I had to go pee and cramps. A terrible combination to be woken up by. I should have been asleep, but the Gods were against me. I just wanted to sleep.

After I went pee and took some more ibuprofen, I looked at why my phone was getting so many notifications. I soon discovered that it was just a bunch of texts from Ethan. Shouldn't he have been sleeping? Either way, I needed him to shut the fuck up. I wanted to sleep to the point where I didn't even read any of his messages. Even if I did, I don't think I had enough brain power to properly interpret what he had written.

Hailey: Do you know what time it is? Do you know how cranky I am when I am woken up at THREE IN THE MORNING? GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP!

Ethan: Sorry Hailey

I rolled my eyes. This boy was something else. How dare he disturb my slumber? He was asking to get yelled at.

When I woke up the next morning, I looked through the text messages he sent me at three in the morning. I was not going to tell him, but the messages were cute, and they all made me smile. He was almost pure and innocent. I forgot for a second that he was a hockey player and could sometimes be extremely inappropriate.

Ethan: I know you are asleep, but I want to tell you something

E: We haven't known each other for long, but can I just say that you have become one of my favorite persons? Even though you like Nick Jonas and Prince Zuko more than me

E: Your smile. Your laughter. Just everything that makes you happy, I want to be a part of. Even if we are just friends.

E: I miss seeing you in person. FaceTiming isn't the same as seeing you or even hearing your voice

E: I can't wait until we are back at school so I can be with you again. Everyday

E: I know we aren't dating, but I hope you know I find everything about you perfect. How cute look in your PJs, and messy hair, while cuddling your penguin

E: I want to see you smile like you did tonight again. You seemed so relaxed and truly happy. It made me smile, knowing I was part of the reason for your smile

E: Will you read these messages? Probably not but I just wanted to get this off my chest

Hailey: Do you know what time it is? Do you know how cranky I am when I am woken up at THREE IN THE MORNING? GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP!

Ethan: Sorry Hailey

Ethan: Good night, Hailey. I miss you!

How could someone not smile at that? Didn't every girl want a guy who told her what he felt about her? However, did he have to do it at three in the morning? People are asleep at that time. Even I, a nighttime gremlin, usually sleep at three in the morning. Two in the morning? I'd probably been awake, but not three.

However, my good mood didn't last long. Day two of periods is worse than day one. Not only did I have cramps, but I also got a heavy flow. I wanted to go back to being thirteen when I didn't have cramps. I missed those days. To be young and naive once again.

Once again, we were out to lunch with my uncle. He was the only one in town. The rest were visiting my aunt's family for Christmas. My uncle was with them for Christmas but had to come back early for work. The rest of his family would be back before New Year's Eve.

Lunch consisted of me getting picked on for not eating. My dad mentioned how it was a waste of money if I wasn't going to eat. Sam looked at me with pity because she understood. My uncle just watched the conversation. Ryan wasn't even paying attention because he was too busy stuffing his face. I was defending myself by saying that I wasn't hungry. My dad wouldn't understand if I tried to explain it to him. Even if I was able to explain it to him in a way he'd understand, I feel like I would still get judged for not being physically able to eat like the rest of my family does.

When we got home, my dad said, "We are taking down the tree today." We all groaned.

A thing you should know about my family is that in all reality, we are a bunch of Scrooges. Our tree doesn't get put up until after Thanksgiving. We either take the tree down right after Christmas or like halfway through February because we are lazy. Heck, we don't even have Christmas lights outside the house because "there are no outlets." If my dad weren't such a lazy person, he would find a way.

Ryan and my dad went to the basement to grab totes and the box for the tree. Sam just sat on her butt, not being helpful. I was doing my part by taking the ornaments off the tree. I have three jobs during Christmas time. I decorate the tree, change the countdown, and then undecorate the tree. However, decorating and un-decorating always took so much time because we had so many ornaments. They were mostly Disney-themed because one can never go wrong with Disney.

Once I was done taking the ornaments off the tree, I sat on the couch. Ornaments surrounded me with a giant tote in front of me. I went from box to box inside the tote, putting the ornaments back into their correct box. I kept getting stabbed by some of the ornament hangers as I took them off. It was no fun getting poked by half-unfolded paper clips over and over again. This happens every year, and I forget how much the poking hurts.

After an hour or so, my dad took the tree down, and I put the ornaments away. My dad tried to get Sam and me to take down the rest of the decorations, but Mom had a certain place for the Christmas decorations, and we didn't want to ruin it. That would get us into trouble because it would somehow be our fault. So it got left for when my mom gets home or decides to deal with it later this weekend.

I went back up to my room. I was tired of my family and still had to deal with them at dinner. Also, I wanted to talk to Ethan. I kind of missed him, not that I was ever going to tell him. I didn't want to fuel that boy's ego. It was already big enough on its own and too much to handle.

I called Ethan. The phone kept ringing and ringing. He always answered after the first couple of rings, but it eventually took me to voicemail. This was weird for Ethan. It clicked in my mind that his family and Liam's family were out seeing the new Star Wars movie. So, I left him a voicemail.

I said, "I saw the texts and just wanted to say they were sweet. You have become one of my favorite persons as well. You make me smile all the time when we talk. You make me laugh when you act stupid. I'm glad I've met you. I can't wait to see how close we get one day. Just you and me."

While I was out to dinner with my family, I got a text.

Ethan: I really like you, and I must wait 16 days to tell you that in person.

I couldn't wait for these 16 days to be up so I could see him again. If only I could survive these next 16 days.


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