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Weeks had passed and Timi made no effort to have a conversation with me again and I was content. We were on the 'hello-hi' basis and it was more than enough. Terry J and his friends were out of my way for a while. I had been avoiding him since the incident but I was more than elated when him and his friends were suspended for five weeks for leaving the school premises. They would return in a couple of days but that was the least of my problems as I had better things thinking of like my upcoming exams.

The school's termly examinations were coming up in a week's time and I was really working my butt off so as to make Papa proud as always. I was walking back to my class from my guardian's office after speaking to mama and Eyinna when Kamsy walked up to me.

I turned "Kamsy, what's up" I asked with a smile.
"I'm good,I'm good. Trust you're okay too"
I nodded my head. "Yes I'm fine. Thank you"

He sighed and dipped his hands into his pocket. "Uzo...when are you going to give me an answer?" He asked and I smacked myself mentally. Shit! Why now? He turned to face me hands resting on my shoulders eyes boring into mine. I looked away instantly my head bowing in guilt.

"Uzo look at me"

I slowly looked up at him and he asked me a question that left me speechless. "Do you feel anything for me" he asked his eyes not leaving mine for a second. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Uzo... I need you to be honest with me. Do you feel anything for me" he asked again in his ever calm voice.



I turned and I sighted Damola walking over and I couldn't be more grateful.
"Yeah, Dammy any problem?" I asked walking over to her.
"Um... not exactly but I need to talk to you" she shrugged.

I turned to Kamsy. "Sorry, we'll talk some other time. I have to go" He nodded and I walked away from him with Damola.

"Why did you do that?" Damola asked as soon as we were a safe distance away from Kamsy. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean you were with Kamsy and immediately I came you jumped at the opportunity to leave"

I looked away walking in silence. "You have to answer all my questions and I'm not even done asking. But first, let's get to a quiet and safe place" She said and pulled me by wrist.

My eyes widened as she pushed open the door to the music room. She walked in and I followed suit. She glanced my way "I'm sure you're shocked right?"
I shook my head and she smiled "Agatha will be here soon"

Agatha? What the hell is happening here?

As if timed, Agatha walked into the room panting heavily. "Did I miss something?" She asked shutting the door behind her. "No. You're just in time" Damola replied. "Sorry I'm late sha. Lebelicious and Bola were chasing for dining" she said referring to the male and female dinning hall prefects.

"It's fine" Damola shrugged. I stood rooted to the point trying to unravel what was happening right before my eyes. Damola turned to me and I looked away.

"Uzo.. We are your best friends. You shouldn't hide anything from us. I want you to tell us the truth"

"Do you feel anything for Kamsy" She asked and I looked up instantly. "Nothing but the truth" Agatha added.

"I don't know" I sighed. "You don't know?" That was Agatha.
"Yes I don't want to let him in and I also don't want to loose him" I sat down on the chair. "I feel like I'm leading him on and I'm feeling guilty. I don't understand my feelings for him"

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