Bonus Chapter (27°)

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I was seated in my bed staring into space. I hadn't received a call from Timi since I returned from school and I was really worried. The door to my room creaked opened and Adaku walked in closing the door behind her.

She walked to my bed and sat down beside me and sighed. "There is more to life than you think" She started. "Just because something doesn't go the way you wanted does not mean you should stop doing the things you love or spending time with the people who care about you" I instantly knew where she was heading to and I listened carefully.

"You should even be glad you guys still communicate. That he didn't die when he was shot. If you're locking yourself from the outside world just because your boyfriend is not in the country, what would you have done if he didn't survive?"

I knew it was a rhetorical question but I answered it anyways. "I would have probably died too". Adaku soft chuckles filled the air. "Really? I am your elder sister and I know what's best for you. You have to stop all these things you're doing. Loosen up Uzo. Your world doesn't revolve around Timi. Whether he's with you or not, life has to continue. You have a lot to achieve, you have a future, you have your final exams, modeling and so many other things to do. Spend time with the people you love and care about"

"But Timi is one of them and he isn't with me" I spoke softly. I was still surprised Adaku didn't snap at me because of how desperate I sounded.
"Yes you care about Timi and he cares about you too but that does not mean you should put your whole life on hold just because you won't see him for a while. When you resume next term, you'll be in SS3 and you're the head girl. Isn't there a lot to think about? How to make the school better for all the students, how to conduct the students and also make sure your result is great because as the head girl, you should be a good example."

I sighed and she took that as a cue to continue. "If you two are meant to be together, fate will unite the two of you. But for now, you have to face the most important thing and that is how to build a great future. I'm going to leave you now to think about what I've said. If you keep thinking about Timi and don't read for WASSCE, do you think you and Timi will ever be together?"

I turned to her in confusion. "Timi's parents will make sure that he dates or marry an educated lady and if you don't pass your final exams you have nowhere to go."

My face heated up at the sound of marriage to Timi. Be more sensible Uzo! Your sister is advising you and you're busy blushing. My subconscious scolded me.

"Study for your exams and also take your modeling career seriously. You got it easily and you can loose it easily. Do the right thing Uzo. Think about it. When you're ready, you will find me in my room. You have a shoot next week and I told them you'll be present" She ended and walked out of my room leaving me to ponder on the food for thought she just left me with.

It wasn't the first time she spoke to me concerning the issue. I had been ignoring it but for how long? For how long will I continue to sulk like a woman who just lost her husband. As much as I'm aware it wouldn't be easy, I had to give it a shot and to start, doing the shoot the next week. I got down from my bed and made my way across the hallway to my Sister.



As soon as mama Ebere hit the door, her eyes flew open. Few months ago, she would have groaned at that annoying sound but today, she  got up with all the strength she had and stripped out of her pyjamas.

She walked over to Damola's corner and woke her up. Wrapping a white towel around her chest, she grabbed her soap and soap case. She then pulled out a bucket from under her bed and applied toothpaste on her toothbrush. She shook her bunk causing the junior sleeping to wake up. She banged the door and yelled "Room eight members wake up" and made her way to bathroom.

Seven minutes in the bathroom was enough for Uzo to round up with whatever business she had there and she walked out and back to her room passing by the bathing space where the junior student's had their baths.

"Get ready to leave the hostel!" She Her voice echoed across the hall and she watched as terrified juniors rushed to leave the bathing space. A small smile graced her lips as she saw a JSS1 student pouring her whole bucket of water over her head.

Walking into the room, sluggish juniors hastened up and she grinned to herself. Her presence had that aura. She was the head girl of the school after all, her presence commanded respect.

She quickly dried her body and and applied some lotion as she watched some juniors pick up their bag to leave the room. No one wanted to be pick round the school for leaving the hostel late. She quickly put on her school uniform and a junior student walked into her corner.

"Senior Uzo, Senior Agatha said  me I should tell you and senior Damola to meet her by the hostel gate" She nodded and sent the junior to Damola's corner to pass the same message to her.


Leaving the hostel in her neatly ironed school uniform, she didn't have to remind them that it was high time they left.

Leaving the hostel gate with Damola and Agatha, students rushed out so they could be ahead of them. Who wouldn't rush out at the sight of the head girl, utility and dining prefect?

They took quick strides to the dining hall and had their breakfasts whilst organizing other students.

After breakfast, they all made their way to the assembly ground. Some prefects stood at the back of the lines and others walked around to stop the noise making.

Being the first day of a new session, the principal gave a long speech which most of the students found boring. After short speeches from the two vice principals and the boarding house master and mistress, 5he principal decided to call the school's senior prefects to give their speeches and that was when Uzo and Benjamin, the head boy made their way to the podium.

Uzo listened as Benjamin gave his speech picking a thing or two from what he said. A loud resounding round of applause indicated the end of the head boy's speech and silence grace the whole place as Uzo raised the microphone closer to her.

She smiled as she thought of her sister, brothers, parents, her dearest friends, her ever loving boyfriend and her father in heaven. She knew she was ready and she spoke softly into the mic. "Good morning everyone".
She smiled at the way the students and even the staff responded. This session will be great! She promised herself and gave her speech her sweet voice booming through the speakers.

Okay, Chapter twenty seven is out 💃💃💃, which means, this book has finally come to an end. I know most of us expected that Timi would return and all but as we know, it's not everything we wish for that happens.

Uzo most definitely did not like the fact that Timi left her but you know what? Staying away from him isn't going to be the end of her world.

Anyways, this is where I say, Adios Amigos! Thank you so much for reading this book. I genuinely appreciate.

Also, do not forget to Vote, comment and share with your friends. I love you all.❤

Qhupid out 🐾🐾

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