chapter 6

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Elsa pov

While I was asleep I woke up (in the dream) in a large grassy golden field . There was a golden wolf who was my wolf boudning towards me. "Hi I'm Sheila I'm you're inner wolf" "hello I am Elsa" "I know" "so what is this place" "this is the dreamworld" "cool"
"Yeah" "so why are you here?" "IDK I thought you might want to talk" "yeah that would be cool"
but suddenly I get woken up by alpha as he whips me with an iron rod and orders me to pick ip a pick axe. He clamps a chain around my neck and I pick up the pickaxe. I swang it as alphas face and hit him in the eye. He ripped it out and started punching me in the face. "you do that again and I will rip out your heart you understand me", "yes" he got an eyepatch and put it on and made me start mining. There were lots of other werewolf guards around too and they were all holding silver swords. I started mining the rocks with all of the other slaves. We were mining some kind ofnweird purple crystals and putting it in buckets and transporting it on rails further down into the caves. There were lots of guard down that way. All of the bad werewolves guards also had fancy looking armor on. I thought it looked a little bti silly. So we mines for a very long time getting lots of the purple crystals. I was getting rest tired and sweaty. And the guards finally said we could take a breaak. I went to say down when suddenly one of them kicked me in the face and did an ebi.cackle. "you stupid little girl you really think we're gonna let you rest?" He said and forced me to start morning again. I growled and for back to work.


Eddie POV
Me and my Beta John were gathering up all of my pack there was about 1000 of us living in the woods. John was getting his body fixed by the pack doctor a human who we had kidnaped a while ago, because I threw him into a wall He didn't like us much but if he tried to leave we would kill him. So we were gathering up my pack so we could look for my mate because she got kidnapped...suddenly I flew to the ground as it felt like someone icked me in the face. I realized it was my mate getting hurt! The entire pack looked over at me and I roared at them and they all looked way. I asked johnathan where she had been kidnapped at and he limped over to some ground. I noticed the grass was a little messed up and I sniffed it and got her scent. She was in the black sun pack territory which was right next door. She was kidnapped by her own pack?? I guess maybe I shouldn't have attacked her after all I thought to myself. I ordered some gaurds to stay at the pack house and I got the rest of my pack to shift and follow me. We were going to save my mate no matter the fist.

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