chapter 11

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Elsa POV

I woke up in the cage with all the blood and stuff and got up and telaided I was laying in it.
"YUCK" I SCREAMED. Eddie who was sitting in the corner heard me and ran over to hug me 'shh its ok baby shhh don't cry shhh im here shh" I started crying anyway.  I want to get out of here.

Alpha Nick POV

"Soon our plan will lbe complete Alpha" my servant said to me "soon we will have our unlimited power like you planned. I smiled but it was a fake smile because I was thinking about Elsa. What the heck had I done? I had toruted her for years and forced her go mine to the Crystal's all so my empire could grow but when doing that I lost was truly mattered...her feelings. I realized that. I couldn't do this anymore and I was gonna help her escape. "Whatever" I said to my servant and sent him anyway. I had to help Elsa escape and maybe then we could be a happy family....but suddenly my thoughts were interuppyted by Davis coming in. "What's the matter, Nick?" "Nothing" "You're having second thoughts aren't you?" *No" "You are. I can see it in your eyes. I knew you were too weak." I stood up "is that a challenge, Davis?" "No, I know I can't beat you one vs one. Unfortunately for you, I don't care about tradition very much." He said as serval other guards walked in behind him. "kill him" they all looked at me "KILL HIM!" "You fool, they work for me. I'm in command now. Destroy him." The 5 guards whipped out there silver swords and started walking towards me. My wolf growled at them from inside my head and I pulled out my 2 big swords that I kept on my back and started fighting them. They were so weak it was easy and I chopped ones head off and kicked his body onto another ones sword and did a spin kick into another face, I saw Davis leave the room as more guards came in to fight me. I started spinning in a circle and held out my swords and they all died. But I knew I couldn't take on the hole pack so I ran towards the slave cages and stated freeing all the slaves. Some of them tried to attack me for revenge so I had to stabbed them because there was no other choice. I got to Elsa and Eddie's cage and ripped the door off as Elsa hugged me as we started running towards the exit of the caverns. When we were by the cage though I noticed Randall'e (whose nickname is Rafael) body was gone somehow. So we ran to the exit and a lot of the slaved were dying but I was stopping the swords attacking me with my swords but suddenly I had pain In my eye and everything was...nothing.

Eddie pov

I saw alpha nock get shot in the eye with an arrow and quickly shifted and put him on my back and Elsa jumped on top of my back too as we fled back to my packhouse with all of the new members and old memebrs of my pack that we're still alive. Now we were gonna have to right my dad.  I couldn't believe it...

(Timeskop like 2 or 3 days)

Elsa POV

I was watching my dad sleep and crying a lot. When we got back to the packhoise the doctor came out of the basement and quickly locked the door behind him and asked what happened. I told him what happened and forced him to fix my dad. He said the damage to his eye was too great to fix so I scratched him in the face until Eddie stopped me. Now I was watching my dad in the room as he slowly woke up. "Dad are you okay" "yeah I'm Kay Elsa, but I can't see anything" "the doctor said he couldn't fix your eye" "he's useless but it's okay, I can still kinda see" "what, how" "obscuro has very good sense of smell and hearing and it's like echolocation what bats do, I can kinda see what's happening around me" "yay" I said as hugged him. Eddie came in to the room too. "Hey you, you're finally awake." He said. "Yeah and I'm ready to stop Davis" "well there's one problem with that, we need a pack leader" "well it's obviously me" "that's the thing...I think I'm gonna be pack leader" "dad got up and got in Eddie's face "I could beat you with my hands behind my back" "oh yeah?" Eddie said balling his fist and I stoppedcbetween them "NO MORE FIGHTING ANYMORE, YOU BOTH CAN BE LEADERS" I Screamed at them. Neither of them liked my idea I could see, but they agreed because it meant that each of them would have equal power. But I could tell this was definitely gonna be a rivalry I was gonna be in the middle of....

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