5: The Wraith and the Amnesiac

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Elle stood with Regina and Regina tried to use her magic to unlock the cage.

"Magic is different here, Dearie." Mr. Gold said.

"I noticed. I assume this is all of your doing," Regina answered.

"Most things are," Mr. Gold said.

"Get to it, Rumple, what do you want?" Regina asked, "You here to finish the job?"

"No. No. No," Mr. Gold replied and Elle tensed her body.

Between the two power figures in the room, Elle was more distrustful of Mr. Gold. He knew the entire time of the curse that plagued this town and she suspected that he knew something about her. She always noticed the trace of hatred in his eyes when she talked to him. Did he know her from somewhere.

"I feel so relieved," Regina said in a hushed voice.

"I made a promise to someone that I won't kill you."

"Who could elicit that from you?"


"She's alive?"

"You are... A dreadful liar," Mr. Gold told her.

"I could have killed her, but I didn't." Regina said simply.

"Yeah," Mr. Gold muttered, "You did much worse than that. You kept her alive so you could kill her when it suited you. A fate worse than death. Which incidentally is exactly what I've got in store for you."

Elle widened her eyes at Mr. Gold's words. Maybe Regina truly was the Evil Queen. Belle was rumoured to be everything Mr. Gold was not. Kind and brave among other things. She did not understand how she saw good in someone so dark.

He pulled out Regina's hand and Regina was scared, "Is that?"

"Yes, Dearie," Mr. Gold said, "The one thing no one can escape. Destiny. And I promise, yours is particularly unpleasant."

Regina pulled her hand back and looked at her hand in horror. A brand marking was burned into her skin from the cursed medallion and Elle tried to rush over to Regina. Mr. Gold stretched his arm towards her sending the girl flying into the wall of the jail cell. Her vision swayed as she forced herself to her feet.

"You believe you can challenge destiny, Miss Weston?" Mr. Gold seethed standing over her.

"Elle, get out of here," Regina said and Mr. Gold shook his head, "No, where would be the fun in that."

He grinned wickedly and the Elle looked at the Dark One hiding her fear.

"Do you want to know something, Miss Weston?" Mr. Gold baited.

Elle said nothing and Mr. Gold laughed, "The Evil Queen is not responsible for your arrival in Storybrooke and missing memories, I am."

Regina's eyes went wide as did Elle's. She shook her head and stared at the Dark One with hatred.

"You," she said accusingly.

Mr. Gold nodded his head, "Yes, Dearie."

Elle let out a deep breath and went to attack him when he used his magic to freeze her in place. He started to choke her and she gasped for air.

"Do you want to know why I have not killed you yet?" Mr. Gold said.

Elle choked.

"I made a promise, but there are worse things than death."

He threw Elle into the wall with his powers rendering her unconscious.

Fifteen year old Elle landed on the ground sulking. Her sword was on the ground beside her. Voices echoed all around her almost chanting.

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