17: The Unknown Land

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Hook steered his ship into the harbour and thought long about the events that have taken place. As he docked, He saw Emma running over to him. 

"What are you doing?" Emma asked him. 

"Helping," Hook replied. 

"Well, you're too late," Regina said. 

"Am I?" Hook asked.

"I thought you didn't about anyone but yourself," Emma said.

Hook looked at her remembering his plans to leave Elle with the heroes knowing she was safer than being with him in the Enchanted Forest. He reached his hand into her pocket. 

"Maybe I just needed reminding that I could," Hook said opening a case. 

He put the last bean into Emma's hand and the blonde stared back at him shocked. 

"Enough waiting around, let's go," Regina said.

"Go? Where? I thought we were saving the town?" Hook said confused. 

"We already did," David said.

"We need to get Henry and Elle," Emma said, "Greg and Tamara took them through a portal."

Hook looked alarmed at the mention of losing his daughter once again. 

"Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them," Hook offered wanting to save his daughter. 

"Well, that's great, Hook. But how will we track them?" Regina asked.

"Leave that to me," Mr. Gold said, "I can get us where we need to go."

Hook looked at the Dark One with a burning hatred. He did not want anything to do with him after he everything he had done to him and Elle. 

"Then let's do it," Mary Margaret said. 

Everyone got onto the Jolly Roger and Hook prepped his ship to sail when he saw the Dark One heading towards him. 

"So... Are you done trying to kill me?"

"I believe so," Hook said through gritted teeth. 

"Excellent," Mr. Gold replied, "Then you can live."

The Dark One waved his hand while everyone watched tensely. No matter how hateful Hook was, he knew he had to put his own feelings aside to save Elle. 

A crystal ball materialized out of thin air and Mr. Gold pricked his finger putting a drop of blood on the white globe. The magic spread across the object and a light emanated from the object. Hook's face tightened as he saw the familiar terrain. It was the place he feared returning. It was the place where he was. The place where he and Elle lost their ties with each other.  

"Where is that?" Regina asked looking at Hook, "Where did they take Elle and Henry?" 

"Neverland," Hook revealed darkly. 

Emma passed Hook the bean and he approached the water's edge. He thought of Neverland, the treacherous place he loathed and threw the bean with all his might. 

The portal formed in the water as Hook steered the ship towards it. 

"Who are we up against?" David shouted as the ship turned to the portal, "Who are Greg and Tamara?"

"They're merely pawns," Mr. Gold informed them, "Manipulated by forces far greater than they can conceive. They have no idea who they're truly working for."

"And who's that?" Emma asked. 

Hook gripped the rungs of the captain's wheel remembering the old foe. Elle had no idea what dangers awaited for her on that island and without her memories, she was practically a white slate and vulnerable to his manipulation. 

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