21: The Call of a Flower

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Elle woke up the next morning to an empty bed. her mind was racing. Peter stole my heart, Elle thought placing a hand over her chest, Where would he put it? 

She changed into a white shirt and pulled a brown leather vest overtop. With her brown boots and tan pants, she took the appearance of a pirate. She grabbed a sword and sheathed a dagger in the holster on her thigh before departing for the day. 

She exited the tent and made her way across the camp to find Henry. Henry gave a small smile as she took a seat next to him. 

"Good morning, Henry," the eighteen year old greeted with a smile.

"Hey, Elle," Henry said. 

"Do you know where Peter went?" She asked him noticing only Felix and the other Lost Boys present. 

Henry made a face, "I believe he left the camp earlier this morning and has not returned since."

"Good," Elle said, bringing her voice to a whisper, "He stole my heart and I intend to get it back."

Henry widened his eyes, "He took your heart?"

Elle nodded her head, "I remember, Henry. Everything that has happened to me. Where I came from. Who I am. And now I have a mission, to get you home safely."

"What does Pan want with me?" Henry asked her cautiously. 

Elle opened her mouth, but closed it when she caught Felix eying her, "It is not safe to talk out in the open about that. All I can say is that I will find our family and we can go home."

"Promise me you will be careful, Elle," Henry said, "I do not wish for anything bad to happen to you."

"Of course, Henry," Elle promised, "I'll be back before you know it."

With that, she headed towards the exit of the camp when a voice stopped her. 

"Where do you think you are going, love?" Peter's voice asked. 

Elle jumped and saw him leaning against the nearby tree. She quickly recomposed herself, "I am going out. Where were you this morning?"

"Missed me, did you?" Peter asked as his green eyes lit up with mischief.

His arms wrapped around her waist tightly. His breath on her neck made Elle weak in the knees. She swallowed nervously as he whispered in her ear, "We could catch up on other things if you missed my presence so much."

Elle broke herself away from him and shook her head, "I am just going out, I will be back soon."

"With weapons?" He raised an eyebrow suspiciously. 

"This is Neverland," Elle answered, cleverly, "One must be prepared for anything on this island."

"How true," Peter said, "Do not be afraid to call me if you need me."

Elle turned and headed off into the jungle when Peter's voice called out to her one last time, "Do not think of double crossing me, Elle."

"I would not dream of it," Elle replied and blended into the jungle. 

She left the camp determined to find the heroes and her father. Once there, they would formulate a plan to rescue Henry and escape Peter's clutches. Along the way, they would steal back her heart. 

In the distance, she heard voices. A smile crossed her face as she recognized them. It was them. She took off in a sprint towards them with overwhelming joy when another sound caught her attention. Her running slowed as she stared in the direction it came from. It was unfamiliar, yet alluring. Elle shifted between the heroes and the sound. Curiosity got the best of her as she diverged from the path that would lead to the heroes. 

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