Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Storm's POV

I was unconscious and woke up in a place that wasn't the train we were on a few moments. I look to my left and I see Gale passed out next to me on the ground.

"Hey Gale, time to wake up buddy." I said to him as I shook him to wake him up

"Ugh my head hurts. What happened?" he asked

"The last thing I remember was Nashi reading us the job request." I said to him

"Speaking of Nashi, where are the girls?" Gale asked

"Screw that. Where are we? I asked him in return

"It looks like we're in some alley. But maybe they went back to the guild. We should go back too." he said

"Good thing because I'm going to KILL Nashi for doing whatever the hell she did." I said with anger in voice

And with that we were on our way to the guild. Something seemed different and I'm pretty sure Gale noticed but I wasn't stressing out too much because I was too busy being angry.

"Hey Storm, does the town seem a little different to you?" he asked me

"Don't worry about it. It's probably your imagination." I said to him

We then continued our very brisk walk to the guild. As we were approaching the guild it looked kinda different but me still in anger mode, I didn't care. I finally reached the door and pushed it open and made my way to my target.

"NASHLYNN LAYLA HEARTFILIA DRAGNEEL!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

Nashi's POV

"Ohh hey Stormy, how's it going?" asked nervously

"Don't "Hey Stormy" me" he said imitating me

"What on earth were you thinking! Don't you remember what aunt Erza told us about reading something we don't understand! Remember what your father did? He yelled at me

"I'm s-

I was cut off before I could finish and pulled into a tight embrace. I was stiff at first because I wasn't expecting a hug but then I hugged him back feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Ugh. You're such an idiot you know that ash for brains." he said to me gently as he was still hugging me

"Oh shut up Elsa, just admit it you missed me." I whispered to him so know one heard, still hugging him

"Sorry to break up your moment but did he say Heartfilia Dragneel? So does that mean I'm your mom?" Lucy asked nervously and then me and Storm stopped hugging

"Way to go Storm! You just had to open your mouth didn't you!" Rosemary said to him with anger in her voice

Storm then looked around the guild then looked back at me with a very angry expression on his face

"Nashi, what the hell did you do?" he asked me

"It's a long story." I said to him nervously then chuckled and a sweat dropped from my head

Rosemary and I then explained what happened to us to Gale and Storm and let's say Gale did not handle it very well

"Look what you did, Dragneel. You are so frustrating!"

"Aw but you still love me." I said to playful the hugged but he didn't hug me back

"So anyone going to answer the question I asked like 5 minutes ago?" my mom asked

I then walked up to my dad and grabbed his wrist, then walked to where my mom was and made the stand side by side.

"Um ok this is going to be weird but whatever. My name is Nashlynn Layla Heartfilia Dragneel. I'm your guys is daughter. I said to them

They didn't say one word, they just looked at each other and both of their faces turned red. And the guild was silent until Mira yelled:

"OMG NALU HAS SAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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