chapter 3

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I was fast asleep when I heard Janet calling my name.

I woke up slowly only to see tears in her eyes.

I let her sit on my lap and asked her what was wrong .

"I am hungry Scarlet ,I have a stomach ache already ,"-My sweet sister.

I wiped the tears from her eyes and started looking for more hidden snacks.

I searched and searched almost losing hope until I found some juice under the bed.

I went to the kitchen to get water to help cool down her stomach ache.

I gave her the water before she drank the juice, I kissed her cheeks.

"Don't worry, sweetie tomorrow you are going to eat so much that your tummy explodes"- I excitedly exaggerated .

" Really ? "- she said with so much joy then hugged me , we went to sleep again until I heard the front door open.

I checked to see if Janet was asleep and luckily she was, I heard footsteps and prayed silently that he doesn't come inside our room.

Well Janet had her own room but after our mom left , i brought her things here so she now sleeps and stays here with me.

He didn't come in so I went back to sleep ; Immensely happy about that.

I woke up when I heard giggling in the bathroom, I got up to see what she was up to.

Well she was just bushing her teeth so I joined her, we took our baths and then I told her to stay.

I got out to see my dad heading out.

"Today you are both eating once , there is some grain of rice with meat , cook with it and I don't care if you get satisfied or not, I don't want any misbehaviours from you or your sister . Leave my sight !" -he said with a devilish look on his face.

I bowed my head so I do not look into his eyes since they always scared me.

I went straight ahead to prepare food with half of the ingredients because this was what we were going to have for the whole day.

I served her and I was shocked at how fast she was eating .

How could a father starve his own children.

I ate slowly so she could have enough to work with till later this evening.

We finished eating  then went for the laptop which we could only use to watch cartoons because if he finds out we contacted other people , I don't even want to imagine .

I washed the plates then went ahead to clean the whole house while a allowed Janet to sleep.

It was a tedious work but I had to do it and do it pretty well otherwise I will get punished for it and I was really not ready for another beating.

I try my best to avoid his punishments but he mostly got angry at trivial things.

My sister's safety is very important to me so I would rather he beats me instead than bring my sister to him for his stupid desires sometimes to beat her, I would rather die than let that happen !


What are sisters for after all 😇 .

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