chapter 9

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I was reluctant but eventually I had to wake up.

I sat on the bed with my eyes still closed and slowly opened my eyes.

"Janet ? "

She giggled and started running away.

" Janet where are you going , wait "- I yelled running after her.
She just kept giggling.

" Hurry ,come on Scarlet , catch me if you can ! "

I tried to run after her but she was too fast.

She went upstairs and I followed suit but she managed to sneak her way back downstairs.

I saw her enter our room and I mindlessly followed her in .

I heard her giggling as I got close to the door.

She was sitting on the bed.

" Come on , sit down , " - she said with that cute smile she always had.

I sat down and motioned her to lay on my lap.

" I will miss you " - she said after a long silence.

" I will miss you too . " - I said almost in a whisper.

She wiped away the tears I hadn't noticed with a smile .

I smiled at her and kissed both her cheeks .

" I wanted to see you one last time Scarlet and I am glad I was able to "

She straightened up and kissed my cheek as well.

" I have to go now , she is waiting for me and don't worry we will always be with you".

She got up from the bed and sat down on the floor .

" I will always love you Scarlet "- I heard her say .

I closed my eyes to keep the tears in but only for me to open them and see the same image I saw on the day I found her surrounded by her own pool of blood.

" NO ! "

I quickly jolted up from the bed I was lying on.

I sighed and realised it was all a dream except what she had said to me.

I wiped the tears that had wet my cheeks and checked the time. 3 :15am.

I calmed down and found my way into the trap door.

I entered and found him awake , I guess the pain didn't permit him . I got closer and slowly removed the knife .
He still didn't shout from the pain but no worries , I will never get satisfied until I hear him scream from pain.

" You deserve everything that is happening to you , Janet didn't get the motherly love she needed all because of you.
You made her leave , You heartless man . How could you not feel compassion for your children ; your seven year old daughter ! "

He only smirked after pouring my heart out to him which made me boil with even more anger .

I went out and brought back with me a pair of scissors.

I cut off all his hair.

I was glad , his now black hair was gone.
HA !.

I went for a mirror and showed him his now disgusting face. It's not enough .

I tied the mirror In front of him so he could see what he looks like for the rest of his miserable life.

He is strong , I must give it to him but he will surely crack  if that is the last thing I do while I am still alive. I am guessing now that it was 6 : something , I have been here for a while .

I went back to my room and freshened up , I wore a long black skirt and a red crop top then braided a few parts of my hair smiled at my appearance.

I left the room and prepared some pancakes and poured myself some juice.

I finished and washed the plates then went to the living room and entertained myself with a little something called Television.

I watched so many cartoons , I got sleepy and left there to catch up on my sleep and yes the television was still on .

I am not afraid of that man anymore and I am surely not going to let anyone EVER treat me like dirt AGAIN.

I finally reached my bed and drifted off to sleep Immediately softness surrounded me .

I woke up when there was bright light shining on my face , I checked the time again and it was 11:47am.

Wow , I was really tired.

I went back to the kitchen and made myself some rice with chicken and made sure I was very well satisfied.

I finished and continued on the programs I had left earlier.

I eventually got bored and went back to the trap door , I realised something , my dad hasn't eaten for a while and I am sure he was definitely hungry .

What kind of a human am I ?

I went back and served the food on a tray and headed to the trapdoor.

I slowly climbed down and placed the food on the side .

" Are you hungry ?" - I asked.

He nodded and I sighed in anger at myself .

I sat close to him and fed him full spoons of the food .

I helped him drink juice once in a while until he was done with everything I brought down here

I placed the empty tray down and looked him in the eye.

" Sorry I guess"- i finally said.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me with a shocked expression on his face , he was shocked ? .

Well for one , I know I want to cause him pain but starving someone is not humane . Yes , I know he starved both my sister and i most of the times but I will never stoop to his level , starving someone will never be a solution , trust me on it.

" I am not heartless like you " - I simply replied.

I took my tray and left the room, that will be enough for the day.


Point taken but don't listen to the evil whispers of Shaytan . Fight it .

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