chapter 23

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I opened my eyes slightly and immediately closed it as I felt my brain pounding heavily against my skull . Argh !

I bowed my head with my eyes closed ; as if that would help .

" Well look who's awake ! "- I heard a voice tease .

I slowly opened my eyes as I looked around .

A little smelly and dark but I guess it would do .

I looked at her " the best response for a fool is silence "- I replied and looked around more .

Looks kind of like a basement , dirty and a bit musty .
" Could have done a better job though , "- I whispered .

" Scarlet !!
"- I heard my name being yelled .

I turned to look at her as she was suddenly guarded by two men . It seems that she had gotten new guards since the old ones were no where to be seen .

" Do you know what you've just done to me ! "- she yelled .

Silence .

" You just cost me my whole career ! "- she yelled even more.

Silence .

" Do you how hard it was to get so many girls to work for me ! "- she said while lowering herself in front of me .

I wanted to knock some senses into her with a smack but I was handcuffed ; really , how come I didn't notice that earlier .

I calmed myself down as she smirked with a raised eyebrow .

" Oh no ,no ,no ,no ,no , Scarlet dear , you seriously think I'm that stupid ."- she said getting back in between her two new bodyguards .

" Just say something , you ungrateful child ! "- she yelled as she walked over to me and smacked me on the cheek .


" Ugh , why are you so annoying ! "- she continued to yell as she got out with her two guards as well .

* Sigh *

Now how am i supposed to escape from here .
Argh totally forgot about my headache ; did she have to hit me so hard . She could have just told me to obediently follow so she can torture me till I die ; how hard is that .

I tried to calm my headache as the struggling seemed to make it even worse . I stopped struggling then closed my eyes till I was eventually overcome with sleep .

"Who gave you the right to rest ! "- I heard a voice say .

" Hearing your voice is really making my ears hurt , "- I said to her half asleep .

" Oh , I can see you still got that mouth of yours "- she remarked .

" Then I think your eyesight is funny because you see , I'm Kelsy not Scarlet . We might look alike but trust me I'M NOT Scarlet "- I teased .

" Oh shut up ! "- she replied .

" I miss reading my books ! " - I said just to annoy her more .

" Ugh , your father should have really killed you too !"- she remarked .

" Well you shouldn't have stolen from him either ! "- I said with a glare .

" What ? He didn't pay me enough ,"- she said as she started playing with my hair .

" You could have saved my sister you know , "- I said with a slight angerish tone .

" And how could I have saved her ? "- she asked as she got up to stand in front of me .

" You could have reported him after you left that night ! "- I yelled .

" Well , why would I have helped an ungrateful brat like you . "- she simply remarked .

" You disgust me ! "- I spat back at her.

" Ugh , how dare you ! "- she yelped as she furiously started hitting me .

To be honest , it was painful but I refuse to show pain .

" You would always be the dirty woman who was with my father that horrible night ! "- I remarked as she finished beating me up .

" I don't care and you know what , you would have been of better use if you just allowed your dad to sell you to men for money ; ugh what a waste of time ! "- she said storming out.

" I'm hungry , Margaret !"- I yelled while she exited the place .

I feel miserable right now , at least I think I did a better job having my dad locked in the trap door .

The pain together with my headache didn't help with my case at all .
I had to force myself to sleep again to relief the pain a little.

" Wakey wakey ugly face ! "- I head a really loud banging of utensils .

" What's your problem Margaret ! "- I yelled as I was rudely and may I say rude-ly woken up .

" Well my problem is , you have to find a way to bring back my business ! "- she said as she played with my hair again .

" What's up with you and my hair ; have you even washed your hand. eww ! "- I jerked back but she immediately made me face her by moving my chin up .

" As long as you are in this basement , you are mine ! "- she said as she pulled my ear .

" Oww , who do you see me as ; a six year old ! Let go of my ear , you thief !" - I said as I tried to wiggle my way out of her fingers .

" Shut your mouth ! "- she ordered .

" Anyways as you can already tell by my grumbling stomach , I need food . "- I said with fake smile .

" Ughhh I hate you so much and No , you are never getting to eat anything in this house till you die of starvation " - she yelled and walked out again . I'm sure she just doesn't want me to sleep .

I feel so sticky right now and as I looked at myself ; I was covered ask over with dirt and blood .

I shifted a little when I felt my butt go numb .

I need to think of a plan to get away from here before that crazy woman actually kills me of starvation and the beatings aren't helping at all since they seem to only make me weaker . I fear my body must be covered in wounds again .

I tried to wiggle my hands a bit but it was still the same . Now I'm just wondering how long I've been here .

*Sigh *

Who even cares enough to look for my whereabouts .


Hmm , what are you going to do now , Scarlet ?!

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