chapter 21

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" Hi there kids , hmm "- she greeted as the Margaret lady whispered something to her .
"she seems to have already made her choice . You can go now "- Miss. Summer addressed .

We all left and went back to our various rooms while the grown ups discussed some paperwork .

I walked Mark back to his room and laid on the bed beside him .

" How many children were here in your time ? "- I asked .

" Let's say maybe twenty , but they have gradually been given homes , "- he replied with a sigh .

" That's nice , I'm just praying for that woman !"- I said in anger .

" And why is that ? "- he asked as he shifted a bit to my side .

" I know she is going to pick me but trust me ; if this is just to spite me . I will make sure she pays dearly for everything ! "- I said with anger .

" Wait ? "- he abruptly sat up " how do you know she's going to pick you ? "- he asked .

" Because we know each other and I know what goes through that dirty mind of hers . "- I replied as I closed my eyes .

" But you just arrived and we are getting to know each other ! "- he rambled .

" I know and I would have loved to have began our lessons , "- I said as I also sat up with a smile .

"What's with the sad face ? "- I asked.

" Nothing , "- he mumbled .

" Ok then , I have to go and pack up now and take care of yourself . You have to cure yourself of that red cheeks thing . "- I said as I opened the door to leave.

He gave a slight chuckle then nodded .

I closed the door and began packing , just waiting for the call .

We were all called downstairs again and as predicted I was to leave with Miss . Margaret since the paperwork had already been done .

I avoided any eyes as I climbed the stairs to pick up my luggage .

I came back down and just walked out ; I didn't want to see their faces neither did I want to know their emotions .

Margaret opened the door for me but I was immediately stopped as someone swiftly turned me around and gave me a hug .

" I'll miss you ! "- he mumbled on my neck .

I sighed.

Then replied " I'll miss you too , "

I guess Mark could now be counted as one of the people I feel comfortable hugging .

He slightly squeezed me while we remained like this till Margaret interrupted us .

" I think we should be leaving by now ! "- She ordered as she seated herself in her blue car .

We released each other from the unknowing tight grip .
I don't know but letting go of him felt like I was ripping my heart out .

He placed his lips on my cheeks as a final goodbye before seeing me off . Sigh . The butterflies are apparently still there .

I got inside and avoided his glance before Margaret drove me off.

" Well , well , well , I guess we meet again ! "- she said as she looked into the side view mirror .

I just ignored her and closed my eyes.

We took a while on the road before finally coming to a stop . I opened the door and stomped inside since she obviously hid her keys under the door mat .

I slumped on one of her couches as I waited for her .

" Oh , your room is adjacent to mine on your left on the hallway "- she directed .

I passed her by as I headed for my room ; it was meh I guess .
I unpacked my things as I sat down on my bed .

" You think you are funny right ? now get dressed because we are going to have some visitors ! "- Margaret ordered standing outside my door.

Calm down Scarlet , all In due time .

I nodded as I took a shower and wore my pajamas since it was already evening .

I got down and went to the kitchen .

" No , no , no , no. Sweetheart , you are not eating . Well at least not now , you have to serve our visitors first . I expected you to dress a little more exposing by the way but I guess this will do ! "- she explained as she proceeded to lock all the cabinets.

" I'm hungry and I need food ! "- I said with gritted teeth .

" And I said we have some visitors , so tend to them first ! "- she said back .

" I'm not a prostitute like you Margaret ! "- I yelled back .

"How dare you ! "- she replied as my head abruptly turned to the side .

Oh no .

I looked her in the eye as I slapped her back .

" Scarlet ! "- she yelled .

I'm not going to let what my useless father did to me happen again ; not ever .

I kicked her in the gut and watched as she now struggled on the floor .

" Don't you ever ; in your miserable life lay your filthy hands on me "- I said as I ripped the keys from her hand and made myself some rice with chicken then pleased myself with a cup of juice .

I walked out and sat down in the dinning room as I saw girls giving themselves away to old men .

Margaret is stupid if she thinks she can make me join in on her prostitution .

I finished having my meal and headed straight for my room .

Oh no , no , no, no ...

I walked up to the old man and gave him a punch as he got off the pleading girl .

" What the fuck is wrong with you ! "- I yelled as I kicked him in his jewels..

I know what I went through when that disgusting man tried to rape me and I won't stand by and watch this happen to another girl .

I kicked him out of my room and tended to the poor girl .

" Are you hurt ? "- I asked in a concerned tone .

" I'm alright , "- she sobbed .

" How did you even get here ? "- I asked as I rubbed her back .

" I was kidnapped by some men and they brought me here , I was told I would be killed if I refused t- to - "-
she sobbed even harder ."

I went to open my closet and gave her one of my clothes .

" Put these on so I can help you out "- I said as I directed her to my bathroom to freshen up .

She came back while I went out to check if the cost was clear .

I came back and gave her $ 200 dollars of my money as I helped her escape .

I sighed then carefully re- entered my room , silently laying on my bed .

" Who the do you think you are to beat up one of my clients ! "- Margaret yelled as she pulled the covers from my body after she barged into my room .

This woman really wants to get beaten up too tonight .

And how do you two know each other ?

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