chapter 6

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He was d- dead.

I killed a man .

I coiled my self up and cried , I cried from so much pain to the extent that I started shaking.

I heard the door opening and I quickly went to hide in the closet.

" Are you not done with her yet - I heard my dad say when he opened the door.

I was so scared of what he would do to me if he found out.

" Come on , man are you tired already" - he said trying to wake him up.

"Sean? , Oh my goodness ! where is this blood coming from."- I heard him say .

I felt my heart skip a beat as I heard him say that.

There was silence for a while until

" SCARLET !" - I heard him yell.

I stood still , too scared to face him.

I heard the wreckage he was causing in the room , he was trying to find me .

I was praying silently that he would not search in here.

My eyes widened when the closet was suddenly opened and I saw the wrath in his eyes as he looked at me.

He pulled me forcefully out of the closet unto the hard floor.

" What did you DO !" - he said trying to calm down the wrath.

" He wanted to r- r - Ra - rape me dad " - still sobbing.

" So what ! , that is what he had paid for and you killed him for that , you murderer ,that man lying dead there was my best friend , you will pay dearly for that " - he said with no remorse.

He held me by my hair and slapped me so hard I felt dizzy that instant.

" You just killed my best friend in my own house and I am definitely not going to let you get away with it."

He unbuckled his belt and started to head towards me .

I tried to run but I was too tired to run so I was crawling away as fast as I could.

I had to get away from him.

He reached me then stepped on my throat .

I tried to set myself free but he wouldn't budge.

I pleaded but he wasn't stopping.

He let go of my throat and landed the first strike of the belt on my body.

I screamed from the agony but he didn't care , he started hitting me so vigorous that i felt my skin peeling off.

He stopped after so many agonizing screams even though what I was wearing didn't help at all but he didn't seem to care.

He held me by my hair again and dragged me outside.

We were heading downstairs but as we were going , he stopped to look me in the eye and pushed me down the stairs.

I was feeling the pain at every single step.

I eventually landed on the ground and I screamed from all the pain it had caused ,every thing was becoming blurry for me.

"Let's see how you will feel after seeing your sister's face when you wake up.

He went inside our room and brought Janet out holding her forcefully by the hair.

He landed a strike on her cheek and I instantly felt it.

I tried to save her but my body was too weak , I felt numb and I was rooted to the spot as I watched my little sister cry.

He approached me and landed a slap on my cheek and all I was seeing now was darkness.

No , no , no ,

"Janet RUN ! "- was all I could mutter to say before my old friend welcomed me in ; darkness .


This is not right at all , definitely not right . How could you !

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