Chapter Forty Seven

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Word Count: 1961


It took an excruciating amount of time for Thought to find where my brothers were hiding out.

With their main base having been burnt down and destroyed, their technology is limited, which allowed Thought to pinpoint their location in the mortal realm, of all places. I'm not sure what their business is being in the Desire Pack, which is another of the thirteen Packs. They must have other people involved in their movement there, as they found a rather beautiful manor to reside in.

Currently we walk toward up, up a very large driveway. Time is back in the immortal realm, far too ill to even move from his bed. So in his place I have Thought, who seems eager to confront my brothers to do whatever it takes to get the antidote for his brother.

To think they hated each other only a few weeks ago.

Sariah walks beside me, all the colour drained from her face. For her, I hope this goes well. She deserves to have a mate, even if that mate has a death wish from messing with Time.

"You shouldn't worry. He would be crazy to reject you again. You're beautiful," I tell her firmly. Her cheeks flush as she smiles lightly, the tension in her shoulders reducing slight. She has a glamour over her, concealing her from Harlan and Altin for the meantime, so we can enact our plan.

"He hates immortals. You should have seen the look on his face when he saw me," she admits, that glimmer in her eyes that must be a trait of a Virtue fading slightly. Knowing how great it feels to give yourself over to the matebond and accept how right it is, I can't help but feel bad for Sariah. As a Virtue she deserves the best possible mate.

Not someone like my brother.

"He's always been stubborn. He doesn't know what he is missing out on yet," I assure her. From beside me Thought rolls his eyes, still yet to find his mate and realise what it is like. Well, at least I assume he hasn't found his mate.

"We get there, I tie him down, you touch him, and we get the antidote," Thought says in one breath, irritated by our talk. Him and Sariah, as immortals, have no issue walking up this incredible hill to the top, where Harlan and Altin's manor is. With the glamour Thought has put on us all, I doubt they have any idea we are approaching us, which will hopefully give us the upper hand.

"Touching him when he doesn't want me to...I don't like the sound of that," Sariah mutters, looking at me for help, but I just shrug. We are both trying to get back their connection and get the antidote. Hopefully these two go hand in hand.

Thought rolls his eyes, once again. "It's not like you're putting your hand down his pants."

"I still don't like it."

"Do you want Time do die? That's not very virtuous of you," Thought comments, delving a hand into his dark strands. I nudge him in the side, feeling the tense impact of his taut abdomen. Sariah is struggling, and as powerful as she may be, this isn't something she is experienced in.

And neither is Thought.

"Thought, stop," I reprimand, looking toward the manor. Now that we have reached the top, I can see the full extent of it. It's magnificent in its size, casting chilling shadows across us. Something tells me my brothers don't own this. "We need to concentrate now, stick to the plan. No more talking."

Sariah rounds the house, concealing herself. Thought removes our glamour, yet keeps hers on, in case we don't get invited inside, which seems like a very viable option.

We don't even have to knock, before Harlan opens the door. "You finally found us."

Beside us where Sariah stands, I see her tense, the sound of his voice frightening enough to her to make her flinch. I keep my face neutral, remembering why I'm here. Time is home, moments away from death, which is a thought I have to put to the back of my mind as to not break down right in front of my brother, who would hardly be impressed.

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