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3 Years Later

Another day another mission outside the walls. Of course, it was better than being trapped inside these walls but the past 3 years have been the same thing over and over. We go out we lose soldiers we come back and repeat the same thing over and over. The only thing I looked forward too is seeing the excitement in people's faces as we leave. Although many seem to think our attempts are a hindrance on their taxes, others believe in us. Even just with the support of a few that gives me more reason to fight. It gives us hope that one day we will win the war against these monsters.

We approached the gate and people in the crowd shouted

"Here they come! It's the main Scout Regiment! Commander Erwin! Please kick some titan butt!"

"Look! It's Top Sergeant Levi!"

"I hear he has the strength of an entire brigade!" of course that didn't sit well with Levi he didn't like attention and less when people praised him. I understood that. When people hold you up to a pedestal it makes it that much easier for them to be disappointed in you when you don't reach their expectations.

"Tch, shut up..." he muttered. What else from that grumpy old man. 

"That envy in everyone's eyes will probably go away once they learn you're a clean freak." Hange smiled

"Huh" he didn't like that very much. She wasn't wrong though. When I was still under his command he would make the cadets clean every spare second we had. If he even saw a speck of dust we had to start over.

"Don't forget he's a pompous dick" I blurted. He looked like he was about to murder me but I returned his glare with a big smile.

"How could I forget," Hange said returning my smile.

"Is that Humanity's Muse?" I heard a boy whisper I looked over and was faced with the most teal eyes I've ever seen. He reminded me of Emil. He suddenly blushed as I looked to face him. I smiled and continued forward. Over the years I had built somewhat of a reputation for myself. Levi was right about my influence, after hearing about a soldier who saved hundreds of her comrades' lives more cadets joined the Scouts. He was wrong about me being a threat though. The Survey Corps had been more successful with my presence than in past years and there was no arguing that. I was given the title Humanity's Muse because of my apparent "beauty" and inspiration that I inflicted on others. Levi wasn't the only one with a badass name anymore.

The gate began to open and Hange began with her antics again.

"Titans are out there. I wonder what kind we'll meet this time! Wouldn't it be awesome if we came across a unique variant?" she looked like an excited child, some say that's what she is.

"There's one of those right here" Levi entertained.

Falling right into his trap Hange excited yelled "Huh?! Where?!" I chuckled slightly

Levi grabbed her head to face him "Right here." he whispered menacingly but it kind of came out a little flirtatious if you ask me. I didn't mind though this was the most entertainment I'd gotten in days. Interrupting our conversation Erwin yelled. "Forward!" and so began the expedition


"Ready to kick some ass," Hange asked as she turned to face me on top of the tallest building.

"Do you have to ask?" I smiled. I ran to the edge of the tall building and dove down.

"Did she shoot out her hooks?"

"Nope." Hange smiled at Moblit.

As I fell down in style I felt enveloped in the air. It was like a sense of freedom for those few seconds. Once flipping over in the air I shot out my hook and swung through the empty streets of the once filled town. I spotted a 10 meter titan ahead of me. He ran towards me and I pushed full speed forwards its face. Once he thought he was about to eat me I shot my hooks up and jumped on its nose doing a front flip to land on its head then propelling myself up. I then shot my hooks backyards and spun down cutting off its neck.

A Reason to Live - Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now