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I walked the hallways of the castle until I got to the room I was called into. I knocked on the door.

"Isa Reine" I announced

"Come in" I pushed on the doors and was met with a rather large office. Erwin sat at a desk in the middle of it writing something. I walked up to him. \

"You called for me"

"Ahh yes but as it seems you weren't able to make it yesterday"

"That's actually a long story. As it turns out my secrets out within the Military Police's ranks. I don't know who else knows but it's safe to say I'm probably seen as a threat. Anyway, after I heard their plan to take you and me into custody I tried to go back and grab my things to warn you but I was kidnapped. I woke up later that night and was able to escape. And well here we are now"

"I see. Well I actually wanted to talk to you about that." I turned my head "I think we should tell Zachly about your powers before anyone else informs him" My eyes widened

"Are you sure?" I paused for a second "I mean I guess he's bound to find out. But if he tries to do anything funny I will not hesitate to run away."

"Isa I'm sure he'll see the benefits of having you use your powers and with the success of the coup d'etat we need as much public approval so having you use your powers to reclaim the wall is the best option here."

"I see where you're coming from"

"So we got a deal?"

"Deal" I saluted my hand over my heart. I turned around to walk out the door.

"Before you go... There's a position open for Captain if you ever want it" I smiled.

"I'm no captain, commander. I'm a soldier."

As I walked the tall grass swayed around me. The sky was clear and the air was cool. Hange and Moblit walked alongside me. Once we got close enough we took off our hoods to show our faces to let the Levi squad know who we were. Hange handed Levi a paper and the kids surrounded him.

"And there you have it. The coup d'etat was successful. Premier Zachly has control of the capital and administrative district. For the time being, the nobility hasn't rebelled." Hange explained.

"What about the Boss Reeves incident?" Armin asked.

"Isa here helped us and we were able to get a confession that proved the charades unfounded. His son Flegel really pulled through big time. Just like it's written right there, it shows the charges were bogus, they abused their power, and that King Fritz was a total fake. All our actions were justified self-defense. In other words, we're free people now."

The kids all looked at each other and screamed in joy. "Woohoo!" I miss benign young and having such energy.

"Looks like the gamble paid off." Levi affirmed.

"Yeah. It wasn't just Erwin though. The lone choices of many managed to change the world."

"And I managed to kill the three people you loaned me. I'm sorry." he looked at Hange. She looked back in a forgiving manner "The thing is, part of the Interior Police, their leader, Eren, and Historia are somewhere else. If we don't find them soon... "

"I may have a clue about that." She pulled out a book "Let's get there and put an end to this battle.

Everyone went their separate ways to prepare to leave. I walked over to Levi and smiled. I patted his shoulder. "It's not your fault. You can't save everyone"

A Reason to Live - Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now