cheerfully overwhelming

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"you got me to go to the cinema with you, couldn't you at least bring cash for popcorn and drinks?" I asked annoyed as she kept going through her purse apologizing every single time

I was so tempted to hiss

"It's okay"
I deep my hands in my sweat pants bringing out my Dad's credit card

"Take, use this" I handed it to her

She stared at it

"Just take it, mom gave it to me"

"Well... okay" she smiled brightly

Her cheerfulness is overwhelming.

We got drinks and popcorn, well I got gummy bears, lots and lots of them(don't preach about what I need
to eat)

"Are you going to finish all that?" She eyed my hand as we took our seats.

I held unto my gummy bears tightly.

She scuffed

"I'm just asking, I wasn't going to take them from you"

Well you say so but your eyes tell a different story.

The movie started and the lights went out. I tried to focus on the screen but my eyes were failing me. That was when it started.

My heart rate went up. It was racing so fast

"Ava, what's going on"

I tried to get up from my seat but I fell down immediately, spreading my precious gummy bears all over the floor.

I started gasping

"Ava! Ava! Hey help!" 

I didn't know whether I was being carried away, but what I know was I lost consciousness after that


I woke up noticing Mom and Aliyah discussing, Aliyah looked scared. I noticed Ben on the other side of the room looking so pissed. Why is he here anyways. Dad was talking to a lady dressed like a nurse.

I looked around. I was in a hospital bed. None of them had noticed I was awake

I sighed, their voice was started to bug me

"Stop you're going to make my ears bleed" I croaked out

Mom heard this and ran to my side immediately. Hugging me on the bed.

It was comforting but the hold got tighter

"Mom, mom, you're killing me" I said out of breath

"Oh my God sorry honey, I'm so sorry" she said loosing her hold, then she wiped a tear away from her eyes

Dad walked to me with the Nurse checking me

"Hey buddy" he said calmly.

I tried to smile but I felt so weak. Ben noticed I was awake but didn't walk up to me

"Since she's fine can I go now?" He asked not sparing me a glance

"Do whatever you like Ben" my Dad said annoyed 

Through out the whole exchange Aliyah remained quiet like she was so scared to talk.

"If you're going to stand there, you should at least say something or you get the hell out" I spoke calmly with my hoarse voice

Her head was down before, but she looked at me this time and I noticed she was crying. From the dark circles to her puffy cheeks I could tell she was crying for long

"You're so mean" she breath out before walking out.

"That wasn't nice" my Dad said

I usually wouldn't care but for the first time I felt really bad.

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