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Just like how I expected it, the field was filled up. Aliyah had gone home to change into the schools jersey

We found a place to sit up front

"I'm so excited" she said cheerfully beside me

I smiled

The cheerleaders were doing their routine and everyone kept clapping and making woo sounds. The players weren't out yet. This would be my first time watching Ben play, I honestly don't know what to expect

Suddenly the crowd went wild, including Aliyah.

I saw our schools team coming out all suited up. I guess that's why they're going wild

"GO TITANS" Aliyah cheered loudly

I rolled my eyes

The cheerleaders were done with their performance and were now walking towards us.

Aliyah took my hand in hers bringing it up to her lips gently

She smiled at me before returning her gaze to the pitch.

Both teams were now on the field. I can't believe I'm about to watch an actual football game.

The referee blew his whistle to signal the start of the game. I watched them toss the ball around. You can't blame me, I have no idea how to explain this shit

Okay, I'm going to get drinks. My brain cells can't take this anymore

"I'll be right back" I kissed her cheek gently

She nodded, lost in the game

I walked to the back to get drinks and some snacks but realized that I left my money in my backpack.

I moved towards the school to get my backpack, since I left it in my locker.

It was really quiet here. All you could hear were faint noises from the field

I doubt if Aliyah even realized I left. She was so lost in the game.
I didn't tell her where I was going. It's not like I'm planning to take forever anyways

I saw my locker in view,

I sighed in relief, I so want to get this over with

"It's funny we ran into each other" I heard from behind me

I turned slowly to the direction of the voice

I rolled my eyes

"What do you want Carson"

He laughed bitterly

I could smell the stench of alcohol coming from him and we weren't even that close

The game just started and he's already intoxicated

"You reek" I spoke calmly

He smiled but there was nothing pleasant about it

"Nice of you to point that out" he laughed moving closer to me

"You know, I still don't get it" he started, with his breath  just as bad

I took a step backwards cause my dying heart would die faster if I keep inhaling this horrible smell

He laughed without humor

He took a step back letting his eyes roam my body. He nodded

"You know what. I see what she sees in you" he said still roaming his eyes around my body shamelessly

"Basically every guy in school would want to have a taste of that" he pointed at me

"I would want that too" he smiled

I scoffed

I don't understand how Aliyah ever dated a person like him

Most people can be deceiving in relationships, they don't let you see who they really are till they feel they have you locked in.

"What do you want Carson? I really don't have time for this" I spoke calmly

I really need to get back to the game

Since he wasn't giving me a reply
I walked passed him not without bomping shoulders with him. I heard him laugh like a maniac but I was unbothered

Just when I thought I had avoided Carson cinic self I was pushed hard to the cold floor. Ouch

That hurt

He stood over me laughing like a maniac. He pointed at me on the floor laughing

He bent quickly grabbing my shirt.

He picked me up aggressively, slamming me into the wall

I coughed in pain

I think I broke something

He brought his face close to mine

"I didn't say you could leave bitch" he spat. He raised his hands to hit me but I was quick enough to push him off

I looked at my now rumpled top

"Now look what you've done, you've ruined my favorite top"

He stared at me with his blood shot eyes. I could see the anger in his eyes but that didn't phase me. I may have been caught off guard at first but I won't let that happen again

I notice blood dripping from my nose, I whipped it slowly.

I'm not one for violence but I know how to defend myself

"Caught to the chase. I don't see why you're mad at me. What do you want" I spoke irritated

"What do I want?" He spat

"I just want you out" he spoke angrily

I still don't see any reason for this outburst

"Why?" I asked still unsure to why he felt the need to attack me

He moved closer to me again, I stood my ground

He scoffed

"I don't see why Aliyah would leave me for you. Who leaves dick for pussy" he retorted angrily

"I was kicked out of the football team" he exclaimed

"My life's a mess, all because of you"


This is stupid. I did nothing to this moron. I think he should vent elsewhere, not me

"Ava" I heard my name being called faintly. That's Aliyah, she's obviously looking for me

Carson chuckled as her voice became louder

"Perfect timing don't you think" he said

"Look Carson. Whatever happened to you was as a result of your lives choices. Don't go blaming me for something I didn't even have a hand in"

I stepped closer to him

"You don't deserve Al, Carson"

I brushed passed Carson few feet away from Aliyah, her gaze shifted to Carson and she increased her pase towards me, immediately steering me around as she hugged me

I chuckled

"I was only gone for a few minutes you can't be missing me already"

She squeezed me tightly not saying a word

"Nonononononono" Carson chanted from behind

Aliyah kept holding me tightly but it felt as though she couldn't stand properly.


I pulled back a little but she fell to the ground. I stared in horror as I saw blood all over, she coughed out, blood coming out of her mouth

"This wasn't supposed to happen" Carson kept chanting repeatedly on the ground

"Aliyah" I breath out.

Thanks for reading guys ♥️♥️

Love y'all 🥰

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