The Date

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The weekends were here again, hence my date with Aliyah. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

She told me not to wear anything fancy, well not really, I told 'me' not to wear anything too fancy. Have you met me? I'm the queen of comfy clothes

"Hey" my mom walked in. The door is always open, unless I have visitors, which is a rare occurrence

Hey eyes scanned my room, till it landed on me

"Aliyah would be here any moment and you're dressed like that?"

I looked at my outfit.

I had my signature black sweat pant with a black tee. What does she mean 'dressed like that' I was on fleek

"There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing" I retorted, earning a face palm from her

Why is she being so dramatic?

"Darling listen" she grabs my hands lovingly

"When you're going on a date, you dress to look your best"

I was about to roll my eyes but remembered mom was really close.

"Mom that doesn't mean I should do things out of my comfort zone"

I wiggled my hand from her hold and sat on my bed

She joined me still

"That doesn't mean you dress like your father" she laughed

I pouted

"Mom I'm offended, I dress better than Dad"

She gave me a hug "I know sweetie"

"But you're going on a date, not a funeral" I rolled my eyes

Black is a dope ass colour, I can wear it anytime, any day anywhere

I released myself from her embrace

"Mom, stop, you're making me nervous"

She smiled brightly, "it's normal" she honestly can't hide her excitement.

When she heard Aliyah and I were hanging out today she totally went hyper on me.

'awn my baby is all grown up now' she would say, pinching my cheeks

I told her 'hanging out' but thanks to Ben, he said it was a date and this made both parents gushing over it. So childish.

"Come on" she said walking towards my wardrobe

"Let's fix this" she said, bringing out gowns I didn't know wear in there

I frowned

"I'm not going to wear any of those" the entire universe knows I hate gowns and nobody is going to put them on me.

Even when I'm dead, I would like to be clothed with my favorite oversized tee and sweat pants

"Why?, there's nothing wrong with them" she held them up

"Mom" I complained

"What are you girls whining about" Ben said poking his head in my room, since the door was opened

For some reason he has been friendly and 'brotherly' to me. I guess he's just tired of being an asshole. Well, he's still an asshole seventy percent of the time

"None of your business"

He walked in fully scanning me, looking at me up and down. He placed his hands on his chin. I rolled my eyes

"Knowing you, I'm sure this is your dress option for your presumed hang out" he made sure to air quote the last part.

"I mean, have you seen Aliyah? She's hot, you shouldn't scare her away with your Billie Eilish vibes"

Not wanting to continue listening to him, I pick up my pillow and threw it at him. But he noticed this earlier and dashed out laughing

"See you later looser" he shouted

I turned my attention back to mom and saw mom eyeing this red dress in her hands. I sighed

I never really cared for fancy dresses. I never ever dreamed there would be an occasion where I would need any. All my life I've been waiting for death to come, and I wanted it to catch me comfortable in my own skin. Doesn't explain why I hate dresses tho, it's in born

"Take try this on" I studied what she gave me. Finally something I can wear.

It wasn't a dress. It a simple white crop cardigan and a black ripped jeans. It wasn't too cold out so this would do. I would still hold a jacket just in case.

I noticed a bright smile on Mom's face as she watched me study the cloth.

She walked up to me and placed a gently kiss on my forehead.

"You know I love you right" she spoke
I nodded

"I know Mom" she smiled and headed for the door. Before she could leave I called for her

"Mom" she stopped, turning her body to face

"Yes sweety"

I smiled at her

"I love you too"

This earned the biggest smile from her. I love my family to death. It pains me, they have to go through this mess with me. I don't want them to suffer because of me.


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