Chapter Twenty Three

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In my quest to undress and get on my bed as soon as possible, the fact that my phone was still switched off and I hadn't even messaged grandma or Nicolas completely slipped my mind. All I knew was that I had missed my bed and the warm covers were too tempting to be resisted anymore. 

Tay's knock on my door woke me up and I realized it was Tay because he was the only person I knew who continued to knock on the door until the other person answered. And that's exactly how he continued to knock on the door until I accepted defeat and finally told him to stop. 

"I'll be out in a minute." I assured him before he started knocking again. 

I rolled out of bed, turned on the lights to find some fresh clothes and take a shower. 


"I thought you fell asleep again." Tay complained as I sat down beside him on the couch. 

"What time is it?" I asked, looking around to find my phone. 

"Ten. Exam starts at four." He answered, before placing a stack of books in my lap. "And there's still a lot I don't understand." 

"That's what I'm here for." I said, assuring him before opening the first book of the stack. 

Two hours later, we were having a tea break. I brewed us some tea and he bought some snacks from the shop across the street. I was taking a sip when Tay spoke, looking up from his notebook. 

"Grandma called. She said your phone was switched off. I told her you got here fine and were sleeping." He informed me, taking a bite of the cookie he bought. 

The hot liquid burned the inside of my mouth as I swallowed it way too fast and got up from the couch in a hurry. 

"Where's my phone?" Placing the cup down, I looked around for my phone. 

He pointed toward the table in the corner and I rushed to get my phone. Pacing around, I waited for it to switch on. 

"I've already told her you're here. Calm down." Tay said from the couch, trying to reassure me. 

I ignored him and instead mentally cursed myself for not remembering to text grandma and Nicolas.

Notifications flooded my phone as soon as it was switched on again, missed calls from both Grandma and Marco's phone popped up back to back. When it stopped Marco's name popped up with even more messages. 

Without another thought, I tapped on his number and clutched the phone near my ear. It rang a few times before it was finally picked up. 

"Blue?" Marco's voice barely audible among the loud chatter came through the other side. 

"Marco? Hey, uh, can I talk to him?" I hesitantly asked. 

"You okay?" The loud noise in the background lessened as he continued talking. 

"Uh, yeah. I fell asleep as soon as I got here and then kinda forgot to text." I said, explaining. I leaned against the window beside me and sighed. "Is he free?" 

"Well actually, I'm in the town to get some stuff. Can you wait until I get back? It shouldn't take too long." His surroundings had gotten completely quiet and I could finally hear him clearly. 

"Yeah, that's totally fine." I said, trying not to sound dejected. 

"Okay then. I'll talk to you later." Marco replied. 

"Wait, wait. I- tell him I'm sorry and if I don't pick up then I'll call him back after seven. That's when my exam ends." I explained quickly before he could've hung up.

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