Chapter Thirty Nine

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Despite busying myself with chores all day, I felt worry gnawing away at the back of my mind. It was an hour before midnight and I had done nothing but wait for Marco's call since grandma went to sleep. Her company had kept me in check and stopped me from obsessing about it but now that I was alone, I continued to check my phone either for signal or new messages and calls.

At one point I had even thought about calling Marco to ask him about Nicolas but barely held myself back. He looked really exhausted when I saw him in the morning and I didn't want to bother him so late at night. 

I paced around the living room, an attempt to tire myself out enough to be able to sleep. After a while I decided to make myself a cup of grandma's favourite chamomile tea. She had often told me how it helped her relax and sleep. 

Even after consuming three cups of the weird tasting tea, I found myself typing out a message to Marco. Even though it consisted of just two words 'how's Nicolas?', it took me more than ten minutes to type it out and press send. 

Once done, I laid on the ground, in the cramped space between the couch and the table. I couldn't even say that my thoughts wandered back to Nicolas, since he had been on my mind since last night. I vividly remembered laying beside him, feeling his warmth and just joking around with him. It all seemed like a dream now that I was thinking about it. A dream that came to an end so abruptly I wasn't even able to cherish it properly. 

I picked up my phone again after mulling over for the next few minutes. Instead of Marco's reply, Tay's message popped up. I sighed, suddenly remembering that I still hadn't replied to him. 

Dialling his number, I turned on the speaker and rested the phone over my chest. 

"When do we have to start?" I questioned, ignoring his greeting. 

His hesitation miffed me. 

"When, Tay?" I asked again, keeping my gaze at the ceiling. 

"Next week." 

A hollow laugh bubbled up in my throat. 

"Can you text me the rest of the information?" I asked even while knowing he would. 

Once he had agreed, I cut off whatever else he was about to say. "Thanks. I'll see you soon." 

I was grateful for the fact that he didn't try to say anything else. He just uttered a goodbye before disconnecting the call. 

Looking over to the wall clock, I realized it was already past midnight, it was Friday already. I jumped to my feet in an instant. I quickly texted grandma to let her know I was going out and probably wouldn't be back until morning. 

After donning my shoes and coat, I was already on my way to meet Nicolas. 


I found Marco sitting in the dark in front of Nicolas' cabin. I had to use my phone's flash to see his face. I went over and sat beside him in silence. 

"We're keeping him sedated." He informed me after a while. "Maya said it'll be easier for him that way." He turned to look at me. 

I kept my gaze focused in the distance.

He bumped his shoulder against mine. "Your scent helped a lot." 

Despite hearing that, I didn't feel any better. I couldn't even bring myself to react. 

When I didn't respond, he pulled himself back. "Blue?" 

It was hard to push myself to say those words again. "Can I see him?" 

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