Chapter Thirty

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I couldn't help but pace back and forth across my living room since coming back. My mind refused to stop thinking about Tay and kept springing up different reasons to worry about him. Every time I had the urge to pick up the phone and call him to make sure he was okay, I tried to distract myself with something. 

Four hours later, I had already cleaned my apartment twice and packed most of my things placed in the living room in different labelled cardboard boxes. The hallway was already half filled with the said boxes and I was thinking about moving to pack the bedroom's stuff next. 

Just as I was about to enter the bedroom, my phone rang, surprising me. I almost ran to get my phone and picked it up immediately when I saw Tay's name flash. 

"I talked to Professor's friend. He wants to interview us tomorrow if possible." Tay announced as soon as I picked up the call. 

"What?" I asked in confusion. 

"Mr. Santos wants to interview us tomorrow. I told him we'll be there." He repeated in the same carefree tone again. 

"Wait. What about Aaron?" I quickly questioned him as soon as he stopped talking. 

"I talked to him. Everything is okay now." He stated in the same tone as before. 

"That's great." I couldn't help but smile, feeling relieved. 

Ignoring me, he continued from earlier. "I'll forward you Mr. Santos' email for further details." 

Without waiting for my reply, Tay disconnected the call immediately, leaving me dumbstruck. 

I frowned, putting the phone back and deciding to talk to him in person tomorrow morning. Instead of making my way back to the bedroom to clean it up, I headed towards the kitchen to get the dinner going. 


"Hi, grandma." I waved at her through the camera, watching her smile. "I followed your porridge's recipe, yet it tastes nothing like yours." I switched the camera before letting her catch a glimpse of the content of the bowl in front of me. 

Grandma let out a laugh in response. 

"There's an interview tomorrow morning. I probably won't be able to drive back tomorrow." I informed her before picking up a spoonful of porridge. 

"Interview? Already?" Grandma asked, raising her head to look at me in confusion. 

I nodded my head. "One of my professors helped Tay and I." 

"All the best for tomorrow then." Grandma's cheerful tone toned down my anxiety and I smiled looking at her. 

"Thank you but I'm trying not to hope for too much. You shouldn't either." I said, averting my gaze from her. 

"It's just the beginning, Blue. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll have plenty of opportunities in the future." Grandma assured me and I nodded my lowered head again. 

"I just don't think I'll be able to get a job if I messed up tomorrow." I pushed the bowl away from me, no longer feeling like eating anymore. 

"You need to believe in yourself." She stated and I nodded my head again. "Everyone doubts themselves at one point or another, it's natural. But you can't let those doubts keep you in the shadows. You just have to take a step forward, one after another until you're under that spotlight you deserve." 

Her words cut through the uncertainties rearing their ugly heads. "Thank you, grandma. I'm going to try my best, no matter the result." 

"As one should." Grandma said as if stating a fact before giving me a smile. "Let me know whenever you plan to come back, I'll keep the porridge ready for you." 

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