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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

The luminescent lights gleamed proudly overhead as Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki walked through the teeming city of New Orleans. As to be anticipated, Monoma and Shinsou— well, mainly Monoma— had their complaints on staying in the city, even if it was for a few hours; however, they quickly lost that feud when Shinsou spotted a food place he so desperately wanted to go to. Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero had all accompanied a thrilled and animated Ashido as she skipped along the sidewalk to God knows where going with her to keep her away from trouble. Thus leaving Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki to go retrieve the more important items.

People along the sidewalk pushed, and excused themselves around the soldiers and Japanese-American. Most of them sporting ridiculous, wild hand-sewn costumes and masks as they went— drunk off their ass and laughing over the loud chatter that resided throughout the city. Izuku was beyond fascinated by all of it, watching with bright eyes as a live band played tumultuously in the street. Confetti and streamers littering the floors and nearby parked cars as floats began to round the corners and onto the bustling street; people residing in said floats with over the top outfits on as they waved at the accumulating crowd.

In spite of the war going on around the world, this city seemed to not have a care in the world as they partied and laughed. In some twisted way . . . Izuku almost felt grateful for it.

"Why is everyone celebrating?" Izuku asked over the chattering voices and thunderous music. "The war isn't over yet,"

"Mardi Gras," Katsuki replied softly, his voice hardly audible as he spoke, "It's the Mardi Gras parade today,"

Of course, this wasn't a very good answer the freckled male had received, for it had only sparked a new breed of questions to rumble within him. All of which would have to go unanswered for a while, the other two males didn't seem up for talking as they maneuvered their way down the cement walkway. Shoto couldn't have a care in the world as they walked. After being the military for a few years you see and do things far more intriguing than a silly parade that gives others an excuse to get drunk and eat 'till their bellies pop. This wasn't anything special in his opinion, however, he did find it rather amusing to people watch as they went by.

Delving into his guilty pleasure of studying others' expressions and emotions as they passed him in a blur. If someone's expression pleased him enough he found himself making small backstories for the person, how they ended up being here tonight and why etc. Something he often did to pass time, or when he encountered new, somewhat interesting people.

And Mardi Gras was full of them.

Katsuki, however, was quite displeased with the situation as he purposely avoided any physical contact with people passing him. The overwhelming, and the burning scent of booze and other liquors toying with his nostrils and penetrating his lungs perniciously. This was anything but fun or intriguing for him.

"Let's just hurry up and get the shit so we can leave," The blond grumbled as they spotted a nearby gas station just across the street.

"We can't really hurry up and leave if you guys promised the others five hours here," Izuku pointed out, quietly pardoning himself as he accidentally bumped into someone. "That defeats the purposed Bakugou."

A small smirk displayed itself onto Shoto's lips as he playfully nudged Katsuki's shoulder. "He has a point Gou-Gou,"

"'Gou-Gou?'" Katsuki mused, the old nickname instantly lifting his spirits. "Haven't heard that one in a while,"

"Eh, I'm in a good mood right now . . . But I can see why you aren't," He whispered the last part in the other male's ear, giving his arm a soothing squeeze. "It's all the drunk people, right?"

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