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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"We leave you, idiots, alone for two hours! Two. Fucking. Hours!" Katsuki scolded them, "And it all goes to shit,"

They were all currently on the outskirts of town where they just located Kaminari and Shinsou both hanging upside down from a Willow Tree, dangling above a larger than average creek. Apparently, they had all met up a few minutes after Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki went to the gas station, in which they got into all sorts of trouble. Such as dining and dashing a plethora of restaurants and bars, Ashido almost became a prostitute and Monoma nearly shot a man for stepping on his shoes. 

Shoto was seriously beginning to regret this whole, 'Being nice thing', entirely. He wasn't used to it, seeing as though he had come to this new revelation earlier this morning, yet so far it did not seem to be working out for him. All eyes were on him now as he stood in front of the soldiers, who all sitting on the floor with doe-eyed expressions as they awaited some form of anger from their other Master Sergeant. But he was a blank canvas as he stared at them; his typical iced over glare piercing into each and every one of them with scrutiny.

This was probably the hardest part of his job, having to hand out some form of punishment no matter where they were or the circumstances. He told them not to get into any trouble, he specifically told them what not to do, yet they still did it. Like disobedient, adolescent, teenagers. But just as he was about to reach a verdict, Izuku's words from before struck him again; sticking to the walls of his subconsciousness like glue.

You just need to find that someone.

"Damn it all to hell," Shoto muttered under his breath, "None of you are in trouble . . . I'm letting you off with a warning,"

"What?" Katsuki scoffed, pivoting on his heel to gape at the man. "You're shitting me, right?"

However, his question fell upon deaf ears as the duel-haired Sergeant continued his speaking. "Except for Monoma," he smirked, "Seeing as though you unnecessarily put the life of a civilian in danger, I'm going to have to report that to the Captain."

"Are you kidding me?" The blue-eyed blond exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

Shoto ignored everyone's input on what he had to say about the ordeal, however, he didn't miss the fond light-lipped smile resting on Izuku's face as he walked over to where both Jeeps were parked. Knowing that they couldn't afford to lose any more time on the road than need be, he walked to the trunk of the jeep and retrieved two long metal chains with hooks attached to them.

"What're those for?" Sero drawled out, his eyes hooded as he nodded off every now and then.

"You all are drunk off your asses so we have nobody to drive this Jeep, we'll just have to hook it onto the back of mine. We can't waste any more time guys," Shoto explained as he got to work securing the cars together, "And before you ask Ashido, no none of you can ride in the back car you'll stay up here with me . . . you're all liable to fall out,"

Ashido, who had her mouth open to speak instantly shut it, a drunken pout formulating on her lips as she swayed from side to side. "Meanie," she mumbled lowly.

"You do realize I could always drive one," Katsuki pointed out, leaning against the abandoned Jeep while his friend worked. "It's not that hard," he added with a long yawn.

Cocking up an eyebrow, Shoto gave him a dismissive look. "You fell asleep standing up . . . while peeing Bakugou, I don't trust you to drive this late at night." he chuckled, "Midoriya and you can ride in the back Jeep if you want,"

As they all climbed into their respective places, the engine of the front Jeep started, pulling the connected one along at a nice pace as they continued on the backroad. The air in the back Jeep was quiet between the two, both of them sitting across from each other, neither know what to say.

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