Chapter 16

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Memories of the one I lost

"The tickle monster is going to get you"

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"The tickle monster is going to get you". I heard daddy call out. I did the thing what any 7-year-old girl would do in the situation of being attacked by the tickle monster. I ran. I ran straight upstairs and jumped on to daddy and mummy's bed hiding in the covers.  I put my hand over my mouth and curled myself into the ball so I was small as possible. I heard soft footsteps enter the room. I smiled hard and tried my best to contain my giggles.

"I wonder where Bumblebee is". I smiled harder and the struggle to not giggle was getting harder and harder. "Well she doesn't seem to be in here... that's sad I swear I saw a big stuck of bumblebee pancakes on the counter". I kept on repeating to myself that it was a trick. He was trying to trick me. But just the thought of bumblebee pancakes had me salivating. I could smell the honey and peanut butter. I could almost taste the warm pancakes covered in the nutty butter. Don't do it... be strong... be a warrior... don't let daddy trick you.

"Hmm I guess I will just have to eat them on my own". And just like that my hiding spot was exposed and I was clutched around daddy's left leg like a koala. "Daddy you can eat my pancakes! That's mean"! He chuckled and managed to unhook me from his leg. I wrapped my legs around his waist and folded my arms on my chest pouting. "That's mean daddy". He chuckled again and smirked at me with his big blue eyes. "Well how about I gobble you up instead". I shrieked and my face was filled with horror. "DADDY YOU CAN'T GOBBLE ME UP"! I exclaimed freaking out. I still have such a long life ahead of me. I was going to grow up a princess and rule a kingdom with daddy by my side. And maybe even a handsome prince... but I will have to keep him a secret from daddy. "Is that so, hmm"? He wiggled his eyebrows at me smirking mischievously. "Yes that is so daddy! you can't eat people"! Daddy chuckled and next thing I knew I was on the bed being attacked by raspberries and tickles. Daddy was blowing raspberries on my tummy while tickling me. My laughter and giggles filled up the house. 

"AHHH the tickle monster has me"! He chuckles and lifted me up balancing me on his hip. "That was cold daddy". I glared at him the best I could not being able to help the small smile on my lips. "I'm sorry baby, how about I make it up to you hmm"?

"Bumblebee pancakes".

I sat down on daddy's lap as me and him shared a serving of bumblebee pancakes. "Hey daddy why are people at school so mean to me". Daddy's lips turned into a frown. "What do you mean baby"? I sighed not sure if I should worry him or not. "Well the kids are school are mean to me. cause they say that you aren't my real daddy". When I was a bit younger daddy told me how he found me and that I wasn't his real child. I was at first heartbroken but later realized that my daddy was a hero.

"I'm sorry baby, but some people in this world are just small-minded and are just mean. You just can't let it bring you down you always have to remain strong". I frowned thinking deeply about this. "But what if I can't be strong? What if someone really hurts me and I can't be brave". He smiles gently at me and plays with my hair. "Well then we will just have to fight and be strong together". I smile and lean into his chest. I love how daddy smells. It might seem weird but it always makes me feel safe and loved. "Bumblebee I want you to know something. No matter what happens or where we end up. I will always be beside you baby girl". I frowned at him just the thought of him not being here and me being all alone without him is scary. "Don't ever leave me daddy". I wrap my arms around his neck tightly to scared to ever let go.

"I never will my baby girl".

I wake up to someone gently shaking me. "Wake up baby girl we are here". I snap my eyes open and look up. Only to see Enzo a flood of emotions wash through me. confusion being one of them. But I push them aside. "Oh". I get up and stretch my arms only to snap my shoulder back down quickly remembering the pain. I clutch onto feeling like I just got stabbed in the shoulder. "You ok". He asks his deep voice full of concerned. "Yep, just dandy". He nods and surprisingly helps me up. The others are gathering their things and packing up. I packed my blanket and stuff up. "Ready"? Enzo asks his voice soft for once. It was like I had awoken to a whole new person. I am so used to getting the evil looks and glares by Enzo.

Did someone replace Enzo when I was asleep or something? He grabbed my backpack. "Here let me take this". I stared at him like he had two heads before realizing what he was doing. He was pitying me. He hated me and was mean to me before I told everyone about how John saved and took me. now, these idiots are pitying me. They don't even really care they are just being nice to me out of pity. "I can do It myself, thanks". I spat. He looks at me confused but he gives me back my backpack.

A big black limousine drives in front of the private plane. "You really got a limo"? I raised my eyebrows at him. "Of course,". Vince shrugged like it was nothing gazing down at his phone. I rolled my eyes at them. These people spend money like it's nothing. "You need to stop rolling your eyes one day they will get stuck". Milo gently nudges my side. I playfully roll my eyes again as a remark to his comment which Milo just smirks at. "C'mon let's celebrate great old London". Bruno cheers and gets in the car with an exciting goofy grin. Vince and the boys chuckle and slide themselves in the limousine. I look at the limo sceptically and back at the driver. "Are you getting in"? Luke asks his voice slightly cold. I huff and slide in immediately regretting it. as now I am stuck in a limo with all my so-called brothers and Vince.

As we drive through London I gape the streets that I have grown up to know. "Since it's late we will drop off our bags then go get some dinner". Vince explained before turning to me. "Is there anywhere you would like to go or recommend for dinner Breanna"? My thoughts darkened quickly. After dad died I wasn't even allowed food let alone allowed to go anywhere for dinner. There was a place I thought of... I hadn't seen them in so long. Would they remember me? they were practically family.. when dad died Margaret separated me from everyone and all of dads friends and family friends. I lost all contact with them and was left forgotten. "Yes actually though it's not exactly a five-star restaurant". I looked at them judgmentally they would probably be disgusted if I brought them to place to I was thinking. "Nonsense we will go wherever you want to take us after we drop our bags off". My heart warmed but my anxiety increased.

Would they be happy to see me again?

Or would they have forgotten about me?

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