2 - Camelot

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The voyage from Gaul to England was uneventful. Terran spent the time checking over his armor and weapons. His spear didn't even have a nick in it.

He was glad to be off the boat, but walking through streets of Camelot made him feel awkward. The fact that he and a few others from Norden were allowed into the city really shows how much this king trusts the people he employed.

"Are youu ok, my lord?"

The person who asked was about his age. He was a little shorter with long white hair and silver eyes. His name was Ashton, a young man who was adept in magecraft. And another person who knew of Terrans secret.

"Yeah, just thinking." Terran followed closely behind Herald Cross, "Why is it we had to accompany you here of all places?"

"Because, it's normal for a hero to be paraded around." The old man said.

"Hero? I just did what we were being paid to do." He said, "Besides, we found out this is more trouble than it's worth."

"Haha, aye. If the Shay's are involved with the invasion, then we may be paid to do more." Cross speculated, "Whether you like this place or not boy, you will do your duty."

"Don't look down at me, old man. Unless you want to test your skill in your old age." He responded.

Cross grumbled deeply, a sign that he didn't wish for further conversation.

"We're here." A knight from Camelot said.

Terran looked past his old mentor at the grand castle of Camelot. It was much more of a shining beacon than Ravenhill. But Ravenhill was known to have never been taken during a seige. Which is why he saw his father as a fool.

They entered the castle and made their way through the halls. Terran felt out of place despite his royal heritage.

Eventually, they reached a large set of double doors. The gaurd motioned for them to wait a moment before knocking loudly on the door. The doors opened, revealing the legendary round table and all the knights sitting around it.

The three mercenaries kneeled.

"Rise." The voice was young and lacking emotion.

Terran looked to the speaker, suprised to see that this was their king. Surely this 'man' was to beautiful, even for a young king. No he could see straight through that farce.

"I trust you've received my report?" Cross asked.

"Of course." The king said, "Though, I'm sure you understand that I must ask about the dragon."

Terran tensed slightly. He didn't wish to become the center of attention. Especially with this inhuman king.

"I thought so." Cross expected that much, "I beleive it was used by the Shay's. It seems they've been moving into your terr-"

"I know that much. I'm more interested in the one who killed it." Arthur clarified.

Cross looked over his right shoulder towards Terran. He stepped forward with his hands resting at his sides.

"This is him?" Arthur asked.

The knights of the round looked at him skeptically.

"This is him." Cross confirmed, "He killed the dragon."

"I thank you, Sir. Many men could have died." The king bowed his head.

"Many men did die." Terran said, "and many more will too, if the Shay's continue to be involved."

"Which brings me to the next order of business." Arthur looked back at Herald Cross, "I wish for Norden to work with Camelot on a more permanent basis."

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