7 - The Red Hoods

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Storm clouds brewed overhead. The wrapping on Terrans lance was taken off over an hour ago. He stood with what remained of the rebel army, preparing to lead Dantis Shay right towards the forces of Camelot.

"My lord, is it best to wait here?" Sir Gerald asked.

Terran gazed at the black crows that flew overhead.

"This is where their path suggested they were going. If they went straight for the valley, they know they'd be trapped. It's unlike the Shay's to fight at a disadvantage."

Terran watched closely at the horizen, waiting for the first signs of the Demon. He could feel the nervousness around him. Every pair of eyes stared at the same place that he was. Not a single man dared to look away.

"Sir Terran, reports said ten thousand, right?" The white haired Bedivere asked.

"Yes, that's what Haven told me." He said, "As much as I dislike her, she's hardly ever wrong."

"How did you come to meet Miss Haven?" Bedivere questioned.

"An unfortunate turn of events." He said, "Unlucky if you ask me."

He muttered the last part so no one could hear.

"There, my lord, over the hill on the edge of the trees." Gerald pointed.

He could see the banners over the hill. Gray banners bearing the black crow of Shay. He could see the hooded, crimson cloaks of Dantis's elite army.

"AT READY!" Terran shouted.

He could hear the shifting of armor and weapons as everyone prepared behind him.


Sir Gerald stepped forward along with over a hundred men wielding longbows. He planted his massive bow into the ground and brought out an arrow the size of his leg.


All the archers nocked an arrow and prepared to fire it. The red clad men moved closer and closer.


Hundreds of arrows shot into the air. They rained down on the red hoods, destroying their front lines. Unexpectedly, the enemy began to spread out. They stretched their forces out wide, planning to surround Terran's significantly smaller force on all sides. Terran expected something like this. Infact, it's what he planned for. But he needed to save as many of his men as possible.

"A pincer move..." Terran muttered, "THEIR USING A PINCER MOVE! EAST! GO EAST!"

The men all began to retreat, leaving part of the vangaurd to hold off the enemy. The retreat was cut short as they were surrounded. The few men who did make it, continued running towards the mountain valley.

A ring of red surrounded the rebels. Terrans hope rested with Camelot. They needed to make it on time. The riders who got away should tell them of the situation.

"You should have stayed with your king, you might have lived longer." Terran addressed Bedivere who stood nearby.

"My king wanted me here, I cannot disobey him." The knight replied.

"Very well then... get ready for the worst hours of your life."

The storm raged above them. Thunder shook the ground and lightning flashed across the skies. Rain began to fall, turning the dry dirt beneath their boots into a slick mud. Terran smiled underneath his helmet. This was his territory now.

The red hoods began moving forward, only for a large part of their human wall to be struck by lightning. A gap was formed and rebels began pouring through it, fighting and yelling and forcing it open wider. This is where human instinct was at it's greatest, with adrenaline rushing through the body and the mind only focused on how to survive as long as possible.

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